Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Oh god! This week is going to be tiring..., new school, new people, new surroundings. Aubrey's head aches just at the thought of it.

Aubrey Kensington's parents had shifted from Atlanta to Sydney three years ago and she had managed to fit quite well with the Sydney crowd. She attended her high school at riverside high, home to the riverside whales. It was always easy for Aubrey to make friends. Only a week had passed when Aubrey got selected in the cheering squad. That's how she had met justin. She was at a football game cheering the riverside whales who were up against their arch rival team-the west court tigers.

2 months earlier,

Aubrey's P.O.V

"Hey Diane! Can you just pass those pom poms here? I need to get them in the bus" I shout as the cheerleaders of riverside high get all prepped up for the big game this evening. "Yeah sure, I will just get them. Pretty excited for tonight!" Diane replied. Diane was my closest friend, she helped get a hold of high school when I had just joined the school. Tonight was the big game, our whales were up against those west court tigers. I never really liked those west courtiers, they were just so full of themselves or maybe I like to think so because they are our rival school. The whales had worked really hard for tonight. The cheerleading squad was in its unusual energetic mode.

At 5:30 we all boarded the bus, the boys were already seated and they all hooted as we entered the bus, some of the jocks even passed some snide comments but I was used to it, being a cheerleader get you prepared for this kind of shit. As we neared the west court football ground, the tension could be seen on the faces of our players. We all got down when we reached, the cheerleaders were asked to assemble at the entrance and warm up and the football team was held back to strategise with the coach one last time and then follow us to the entrance.

We heard our team's name getting announced from the football ground. We made our entrance, the cheerleaders running towards their spot cheering, followed by our team.

The crowd cheered and screamed at the top of their voices all excited for the game to start. The game started. We all cheered till our lungs went sore. Our team was lagging behind by 3 points.

It was halftime, all the cheerleaders were asked to take a break. "Diane. I need to use the washroom, do u know where it is" "no, honey it's my first time here as well...u should probably just ask..." She was cut off mid sentence by her boyfriend Eric who had his mouth all over hers. "Hey babe I was looking for you all over..and do you look hot! Oh hey Aubrey I didn't see you there" Eric was being his usual douchebag self as Diane blushed in his arms. "Nice to see you too Eric, I was just gonna go search for the bathroom anyway" I plaster a fake smile and walk away.

On my way I bump into someone, who knocks off his drinks on me "oh my god I am so sorry.... I didn't.." Wait. Is he for real? I couldn't believe my eyes there he was standing, looking heavenly with hazel brown eyes and goldenish brownish whatever that awesome colour his hair was looking all apologetic "no it's my mistake really, can I get u something like some wipes maybe, I am so sorry. Really." He says looking all around. "I was headed to the washroom anyways, could you just help me find it? That would be of huge help." I smile at him. "Oh..umm sure. You know you are the first riversider I have ever talked to, and man I can't take my eyes off you." Is he flirting with me? It's just been two minutes and is he like already flirting!? We walk away from the crowd as he leads me inside the school building.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" He asks me flashing his heart melting smile at me. "Umm no I don't." I answer, my tone a little uneasy. I mean we don't even know each other's name why is he asking me this? "Oh how rude of me I completely forgot, hi I am justin. Justin Beiber" it was as if he read my mind. I give him a warm smile an answer "Aubrey. Aubrey Kensington" "that's a pretty name you've got there beautiful." I can't help blushing. I was used to all the guys giving me attention but no one had ever called me 'beautiful' all they ever called me was 'hot'. "Oh here we are. Here's the washroom" I didn't want to leave justin, actually I was quite enjoying his company. "Oh! Umm okay. I guess this is it. Nice meeting you and thanks again" he nods at me gives me a genuine smile. As I was about to reach for the washroom door. Justin touched my arm "hey listen I was would a pretty girl like you want to go grab a bite with a me?" Was he kidding has he even looked at himself in the mirror. Hell yeah! I would love to go. Even though in my mind I sounded like an overexcited adolescent I kept my calm and answered "yeah sure, how about after this game maybe?" He flashes me one of those boyish grins "cool I will meet you outside then after the game."

We went to Krispy Kreme's after the game. Justin kept flirting with me. I found out that he was actually a very nice and funny guy, we talked for hours and laughed a lot. He dropped me home that night "umm..hey Aubrey, do u think we can like do this again..I really enjoyed my day today" I really wanted to go out with him again, but I didn't want to seem so eager. I read somewhere that it can be a big turnoff sometimes, so I reply politely " I would really like to, but let's see yeah." He chuckles in a playful manner " I am gonna pretend that you didn't just turn me down okay. So in that case can I have your number?" And that was the start to lovely little "us". We texted almost all day, went out on the weekends and talked endlessly over the phone at night.



Aubrey's P.O.V

"Dad! Why do I have to change schools. You know how hard it is for me to make friends and besides I love my school and my friends." I whine at my dad who is busy making his daily evening tea, " bri, I am gonna say this one last time. You're going to west court. It is academically more suitable and i am your dad, the only good friend you've managed to make is Diane and you think I will believe that you have a hard time making friends? I know you, you just don't let people in." My dad went on and on praising west court, since the time one of his colleagues who is also on the board of governors of west court suggested us rolling me there, he has been hell bent on getting me admitted there. "Honey it's gonna be good. There's one good thing, justin is gonna be there too." My mom adds in chirping. I mean yeah that's the only part that was awesome. I hadn't told justin yet, I was thinking of maybe surprising him at school.

I had a week till I started school at west court, so I had a lot of free time. I called up Diane " hey D are you free? Let's go shopping." "Oh my look at you haven't even started at west court and you've already changed. Since when do you like going shopping young lady?" She said. Now to tell you one thing about me, I hate shopping and Diane would just jump at the chance to drag me to the mall, while all I care about is the food court. "Now c'mon I really need new clothes okay. And I haven't changed a bit, you're still gonna treat me." I said half laughing on the phone. " okay as you say sweetheart. I am on my way. See you" with that she cut the call. I got up from my bed and head for the dresser. I put on little make up and brush my hair. In about 5mins I hear a honking a outside. Diane's already here, I grab my purse and head out. " mom! I am going out, I will be back by 6."

We entered the mall, we stopped at gap, top shop and practically every other store, god shopping is so exahausting! "Diane can't we just go get ice-cream now! I am tired!" I wailed. "Bri we are here for you not me okay so buck up and stop complaining okay..let's go to that store over there!" She pulled me by my arms. As we went to the next store. We passed my favourite music store, " hey D I am just gonna check out the music store okay, like real quick. Please?" I looked at her pleadingly. "Okay fine go ahead but don't be long okay." I gave Diane a quick excited hug and went ahead. I felt a quick sense of relief wash over me as I entered the familiar surroundings. I loved this store, it was my only saviour when Diane used to eat my head talking about the new sale at every possible store in Sydney.

I was just browsing through the racks, when I heard a humming sound coming from the far left corner of the store, I knew they kept punk pop/rock there. I moved towards the sound and found a tall skinny guy busting out some cute dorky moves. I couldn't help letting out a laugh. At the sound of my laughter, the guy turned around with wide eyes, they had to be most roundest pair of eyes I had ever seen. "Heard of something called privacy?" He asks passing a cute lopsided smile at me. I laughed even harder, " hi I am Aubrey, sorry I couldn't help it, were you humming to take this to your grave by fall out boys?" His face lights up at the mention of the song "yeah I was, I am calum. Nice to meet you, so you go to west court? Haven't seen you around." He asks passing me one of the warmest smiles I had ever seen. "Umm actually I am a riversider, well was, I am gonna join west court next week."I smile at him. "Jesus! Bri, I have been waiting for you lie forever!" Diane shouts from outside the store. "Oops. Gotta go. It was nice meeting you" I wave at him. "Yeah see you around." He passes me one of his lope sided grins again.

"So who was that?" Diane asked, "well I don't know who you're talking about." I mischievously grin at her. " don't think I didn't see him okay, kind of dorky don't you think? Besides you have a boyfriend." She says rolling her eyes. "He was just a guy in the store okay. Not like I was asking him out or something. And yes I remember okay!" I say breathing out. She shrugs her shoulders, and head towards her car. "Well he was kinda cute you know" I wink at her and she smacks my arm playfully.

We drove silently for the next fifteen minutes, enjoying the silence, engrossed in thoughts of our own, besides justin Diane was the only person I could share comfortable silences with.

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