Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Aubrey's POV

The alarm rung furiously as I kept trying to get extra sleep. I finally let out a groan and got out of bed and walked to the bathroom I jumped in the shower. After my mind had gotten rid of a little sleep I was surprised to find a small smile form on my lips as I recapped last night's happenings post the whole Justin confrontation.

*last Friday night*

Calum and I walked towards this small lit up bistro which was just around the corner. Calum looked pretty happy and kept smiling but I wasn't just in the mood, I kept thinking about Justin and how angry he looked.

"Hey I know whatever happened back there, it could turn anyone's mood sour. But you know we have a whole evening ahead of us let's just enjoy it." Calum smiled and suggested puttin his hands on my shoulders and mildly just massaging them as if to just release the tension. I mailed at his gesture, Calum was really a very sweet guy. We reached the bistro and found ourselves an empty booth and sat across each other.

"What would you guys like to order?" A guy came over and asked. He had striking blue eyes and he had his dirty blonde hair gelled up. "Oh hey man! I didn't know you worked here." Calum suddenly said and then I realised this was the guy Tanya was talking about the other day. "Yeah, this is my uncle's bistro and I come to help him out sometimes so you could say I work here." The guy smiled and replied. "Oh and you must be Aubrey. Nice to meet you I am Luke." He put forth his hand, I shook his hand and gave him a warm and genuine smile. We then placed our orders and waved goodbye to Luke.

"So what's your story." I asked Calum, I was actually curious because this guy was actually kind of popular yet he was a loner and seemed extremely happy about everything for some apparent reason. Calum scoffed and let out a chuckle "Naah I don't have any story. Just a normal guy who wants to get through high school, play football and make some good music." If someone had asked me a few moths earlier even I would have a very simple answer and even I would have told them how simple and happy everything was but right now I just sat feeling a bit envious and wishing my life was as simple and awesome as Calum's.

We talked about our favourite movies and music preferences and of course laughed a lot. After we were done with our meal Calum insisted on paying the bill. We walked towards my house when suddenly I stopped, holding on to Calum's hand, "is something wrong." Calum asked with concern in his eyes. I don't know what came over me I was never the girl who would cry in front of anybody let alone a guy. "I miss my old life." I say my voice cracking and then I suddenly couldn't control the stream of tears falling from my eyes.

I covered my face with both my hands, at the moment I felt so pathetic that I was actually crying in front of a guy who I had just started to know. Calum wrapped his arms around me protectively, "hey it's alright. C'mon I know you'll get through all this, you're gonna make it through just like everyone else." He caressed my hair trying to soothe me. I got out of his hold and and just muttered an 'I am so sorry.' And ran from there.

I ran as fast as I could I know Calum was following running just behind me, I ran inside my house not bothering to close the front door and slammed shut the door of my room and cried my eyes out for what seemed like forever, I hated the fact that Justin and I were getting into fights, Diane and I were no longer that close like we used to be. I was practically friendless right now. Also I felt guilty about the fact Calum was trying to make my day better but I just ruined it by crying in front of him like some lame teenager who couldn't get a grip of her own petty problems. I heard a few knocking on my door and Calum shouting for me to open up. But I just covered my ears and cried even more.

After a few hours had passed, I got up from where I was sitting and walked towards my mirror, man my eyes were all swollen and puffed up. I went into the washroom and got into a warm shower and I actually felt relaxed I made a mental note to apologise to Calum for all the stupid drama. I put on my comfy shorts and a body hugging tank top. After brushing my hair I came out of my room and remembered that I had left the front door ajar and I really hoped that Calum had closed it while going back.

I rushed downstairs to check the door only to find out that it was closed and locked..from inside, how is that possible I moved towards the door when I heard the tv from the living room.

Oh. My. God. There is someone inside my house. I quietly moved inside the living room slowly, trying not to make any sound, only to find a harmless Calum lying on the couch and literally asleep with the tv on. I switched off the tv and checked the time it was 8:30 p.m. My parents weren't going to be home for another two hours. I walked towards the couch where Calum was uncomfortably lying, I leaned closer and whispered "hey Calum you can come and sleep on my bed for a while." And at that moment he looked so adorable that I couldn't help myself I ran my fingers across his hair and gave him a small peck on the head.

He fluttered his eyes open at that very moment looking right into my eyes and I swear I could feel the heat rush into my cheeks, I lowered my eyes and gave a very shy smile. "You're okay now." He smiled taking my hands in his.

He got up from his position on the couch and signalled me to sit beside him. I still had my eyes lowered, he lifted my chin up so that we were both looking right into each other's eyes.he stroked my cheeks gently with his thumb and leaned forward our noses were almost touching now, my mind kept racing I mean should I really do this? I just got into a huge fight with Justin and had no idea where things were at with him and I was this close to kissing Calum right now.

He leaned closer, our warm breaths mingling with each other's. "Don't overthink it. Live in the moment." Calum smiled and pressed his lips to mine, they were soft against mine. I had goosebumps all over I kissed him back more passionately as if he was the solution to all my problems. He kissed me gently deepening it with every savouring moment. He probed my lip gently with his tongue asking permission I parted my lips for his tongue to slide in. Our kiss deepened as we took in the taste of each other's mouths. He then nibbled at my lower lip and moved forward to plant kisses on my jawline.

I stopped and looked back at him, we were breathing heavily, his lips were redder and a bit swollen. I let out an embarrassed laugh and looked at him he started laughing even harder. "Umm that was..umm..uhh..clearly refreshing." He finally stammered turning red. He looked so adorable and I wish I could stop myself I grabbed the collars of his checked shirt and pulled him in for another kiss. This one was shorter and sweeter of course because for some reason we were acting like 13 year olds who had just sneaked around to have there first kiss.

"I think my parents are gonna be back any moment. Thanks for everything Calum and I am really sorry for crying running out like that. Just stupid problems that I have to deal with." I gushed still not getting over the fact that I just shared an amazing kiss with this superbly amazing guy. "Bri no problem is stupid okay? And I am always going to be around to help and yeah even I had a great time." He winked at me and leaned in to give me a small peck on my lips. Calum finally left leaving me all mushy and having that tingly toe curling feeling in my stomache. Oh what a night.



"Bri! Hurry up you're going to be late for school." That brought me back to my present situation in the shower still fantasising about last night.

Well I have a long day ahead.

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