chapter 21

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chapter 21

*Tanya's POV*

Obviously I knew something was going on between Bri and Calum, they are always blushing and being all happy when they are around each other. Anyways moving on I just met this Ashton guy and he is hilarious I have no idea why I haven't met him earlier.

So we pick up another romcom, actually it wasn't even a romcom it was just one plain sappy nicholas spark romantic peice of shit I don't know why Michael would even agree on getting it in the first place but then again he is Michael the boy who loves to cuddle and do girly shit when he is not doing anything, he isn't gay though which highly surprises me. I am jolted back from my thoughts by the loud doorbell. "Pizza's here." Luke shouted amd dashed out to get it.

This guy is so hard to get as in I don't understand him, one moment he is being all mysterious and making smartass comments and the next he is happily squealing like a 5 year old at the mention of pizza.

"Bri I need to use the washroom." I tell her. "Yeah downstairs second door to the left." she replies with a smile and then joins the boys who were busy lip syncing to some song. I stand up rolling my eyes at them and get out of the room.

I just start looking for the washroom when some smartass comes along smirking his face off "Are you like following me?" he asked with fake horror. "Sure you could only dream of that." I mutter in a bored tone and move towards the washroom. "Not so fast, I am going in first." Luke stands in between the door and myself' "No you're not." I push past him but he is too swift and we both land up inside the washroom staring each other down. "Look its really urgent okay, let me go first." he says looking at me as if I was some old boring newspaper. "No I won't. Do you think I am here to party inside, just go out." I say furiously throwing my hands in the air and widening my eyes at him like he was the most obnoxious thing ever.

"Fine then I will just do it infront of you." he says cooly. I knew he wasn't going to do anything. "Sure suit yourself." I say tapping my feet impatiently on the floor. Who does he think he is? god where have the good all days with gentlemen gone? "I always knew you wanted to see my.." he turned to me smirking and slowly unzipping his pants. Wait what?! "eww Luke! Gross." I scream and move out of the washroom. "Hah I so knew you didn't have it in you to experience the display of the incredible hemmosuine." he popped his head out and chuckled one last time before slamming the door on my face.

Do you believe this guy he actually named his dick and compared it with a limosuine!? Ask me why I still fangirl about this stupid asshead. I mean okay even Michael had named his dick, calls it 'the cliffoconda' but that's okay coz he can say that shit infront of me but not Luke I hardly know him yuck!

"still fantasising about it huh?" I turn around to see Luke pointing at his unzipped pants, I could hardly see anything but I covered my eyes anyways "Lucas Robert Hemmings zip up your pants right now. Uggh pervert." I groan and he laughs his head off while zipping his pants.

"Hey don't cover your face, I like it." he wispers in my ears and just like that he struts off whistling and climbing the stairs leaving me there all confused. Okay there is something really wrong with the guy, one minute he is annoying the fuck out of me and the next minute he whispers the sweetest things anyone has never said to me in his honey like voice. I hear him shout in the room about how disappointed he was that it wasn't the pizza guy but some creepy neighbour. A small smile forms on my face as a heartwarming sensation takes over my body, still recovering from the fact that the boy I fangirl about just told me he likes my face. I absentmindedly close the washroom door over my own hand. "Fuck! oww.. Lucas Hemmings you will pay for this." I smile even though my fingers are stinging with pain.

On my way up the stairs, the doorbell rings and I am pretty sure its the pizza guy so I open door and get the pizzas inside. Luke jumps at the sight of me holding the pizza and snatches them from me like some possesive cat lady. "Gosh!" I roll my eyes and decide to sit down but somehow the seating positions have changed, Aubrey is seated between Luke and Calum while Michael is seated between Calum and Ash.

But there is one place that's not taken, the place next to A chomping Luke. No other option, even though I could always sit next to Ash, I haven't gotten to know him that well so I would rather sit beside Luke. I walk across the room and plop next to Luke. He gives me a weird look but then busies himself with his pizza again.

We start watching the Lucky one, and oh my god! does Zac Efron look hot? I may have to imaginarily fan myself. Maybe this movie isn't that bad after all. I catch Calum getting all cuddly with Bri from the corner of my eyes. I don't have anything against PDAs but dude! cmon not like in the same room as me, I roll my eyes and softly groan in disgust. "What's wrong with you? don't you like Zac Efron?" Luke suddenly asked. "Duh! I like him who doesn't. I am just not that into nicholas sparks movies." I lie cooly staring at the screen.

"Whatever. I don't like them either." he says and then shifts his body and the next thing I know he is lying on the floor with his head on my lap. What did I just say about PDAs? please shove that in the trashcan. He winks at me then closes his eyes. Oh so this movie is too boring for him and what does he think I am his bed? okay maybe I am just overreacting because I just don't want to admit that I like the feeling of holding his head in my lap. I dpnt know what got into me, maybe it was that sappy movie, I gently run my fingers through his blonde mess and he instantly opens his eyes, staring right at me with a confused look on his face.

"uhh sorry I don't know what came..." I was cut off by him signalling me to keep shut by putting a finget on his lips, "stop talking and don't stop." What does that even mean, I look at him questioningly "Don't stop doing what you were doing." he says and closes his eyes again drifting of in his own twisted world of dreams. A small smile plays on my lips as I continue gently raking my fingers through his hair.

(A/N: I know its a comparitively short chapter. I will be updating soon mostly tonight or tommorow. Thank you to all of you who took the time to read this fanfic. I hope you will continue reading it. If you find any faults in the story feel free to point it out except for the typing errors, that I will edit and correct. thanks again and lots of love. Stay awesome.)

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