Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"So I am guessing you know justin bieber." I turn around to find a pale skinned girl with shoulder length dark hair, wearing a black nirvana tank and dark jeans standing in front of an open locker next to mine."umm hi, I am Aubrey but you can just call me bri if you want. And yeah justin is my boyfriend." I say to her smiling genuinely as it is I needed to make some friends right. "Hi I am Tanya. Tanya knight nice to meet you bri." She gives me a warm smile. That's when I remembered the counsellor had asked me to collect my study plan from the reception only that I didn't have any idea where the reception was. "Hey Tanya could you maybe show me the way to the reception? I need to collect my study plan." I ask her. "Yeah sure." She walks me along down the corridor, "so let me get this straight I though justin was dating a cheerleader from riverside" I laugh at her innocent speculation and answer "yeah I just transferred from riverside to west court so I am the cheerleader he is still dating." "Oooh now it all makes sense, except why would someone change schools when you were doing quite well in your previous one, I mean cheerleader and all huh you must be quite popular." She asks me while we take a turn to the left heading to the reception area. "It's my dad he wanted me to go here and it's a long story." I tell her "woah, something is officially wrong with you. Oh here we are." I laugh and Tanya asks the receptionist for my study plan. "So you have english right now, and you should hurry because you don't want to be late for your first class." She hands me my study plan and shows me the for my class after waving at me and heading towards the opposite direction.

I reached my class just on time, to find the teacher settling his books on the table. "Oh miss Kensington. We are pleased to have you with us in class. You can take the seat right there next to mr.hood." He says passing me a warm smile. Our english teacher looks quite young for a 40 year old and he had a very charming smile. I headed my way to he only empty seat in the class next to a guy who was glancing outside the window. I clear my throat a little to let him know that he had his bag on my seat. "Oh I am so sorry. Here take a seat, I am Calum." He said startled. Wait that name rings a bell. I sit down and look at the guy wearing a grey nasa tshirt and dark jeans with a grey beanie covering his head. "I know you,the guy from the music store. Hi, Aubrey remember me?" I smile at him feeling extremely happy to find a face I know in the class. He looks surprised then gives me his adorable lopsided grin again. "Oh yeah I remember you, girl with a nice laugh." He smiles at me radiating warmth all over me. There was something about the way his smile always reached his dark brown eyes, and they were so huge they could put a puppy to shame. I didn't realise I was staring until Calum waved his hand in front of me "is something wrong with my face?" He chuckled and I felt my self redden. Shit talk about embarrassing.

Our english teacher Mr. Lambert discussed the work of William Wordsworth in class. Everyone got up when the bell rang. "So what class are you headed to next?" Calum asked getting up from his seat. "I have history right now." I give him a short smile. "Oh I have biology, my class is on the way c'mon I will take you to your class." I instantly liked him for being so understanding and friendly. We walked out of class together. Halfway I spotted justin in front of his locker with a really buff guy, they both seemed to be sharing some joke. I wasn't long before justin saw me walking with Calum, he said something to the buff guy and started walking towards me. "I see you've made a new friend." Justin passed calum a cold smirk. "Yeah he is in my english class, he was just showing me to my history class." I don't know why I felt the need to explain Calum's company to Justin it's not as if I am not allowed to make friends. "Hmm we have history together. Let's go" justin slid his arms around me and started leading me down the hall. "I guess I will see you later then." I heard Calum mutter while justin pulled me along, I gave him an apologetic smile and continued walking along with justin.

"Justin that was extremely rude of you. He was just showing me the way to my class." I scolded justin. "I am sorry babe but I am here now and I just wanted to take my girl to class. C'mon don't be mad at me." He says obliviously. I didn't have the energy in me to start a fight with him, I just wanted to have a good first day.

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