Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

So the day had finally arrived, today I will officially become a west courtier. The excitement of it all gave me a very sleepless night, so I woke up 10 mins early to my usual alarm. I took a long hot shower, after coming out I sat on my bed and rummaged through the newly shopped clothes, I really wanted to look good on my first day not that I care what people think of me but still just for my inner confidence and satisfaction. I pick out a pair of black shorts and pair it up with sky blue v neck t-shirt. The t-shirt was a body hugging one so it showed off the little curves of my body, because to tell you the truth I am a sad excuse for a 17 year old I am a late bloomer so obviously all my 'assets' are still under developed.

After touching up my make up and gathering the list of things the west court counsellor had asked me to get, I pick my bag and walk out of my room heading towards the kitchen. "Someone's up early. So excited for today hon?" My mom passed me a little kiss on my cheek and smiled. "Good morning mom, yeah kind of..I wasn't able to get any sleep last night but I think today will go just fine." I smile at her optimistically. "I am going to take a shower okay, here I made you some breakfast. And have a lovely first day sweetie I know they will love you there." Mom chirps in and gives me one more kiss on the cheek and heads for her room.

After having my breakfast, I call up justin he said he was really excited to pick me up for school today and so was I. "Good morning, you ready?" Justin answers "yeah I am. And good morning to you too." I say smiling over the phone. "Okay babe I will be there in five. See you" with that he hangs up. While I wait for him I listen to some music and text Diane to tell her that I will miss having her around ant school and all the cheerleading practices. I really had had a great time at riverside high, even in that short period till I was a riversider the school had given me a lot of memories to take back.

As I was taking a ride back to memory lane I was jolted back to the present by a loud honking outside my house. It must be justin, I pick up my stuff and head outside the house. Justin was there flashing his usual dazzling smile at me sitting in his alpha Romeo. Yes justin was a very rich kid. I hope in the passenger seat next to him and give him a peck on his lips.

It was a silent ride as both of us enjoyed the morning breeze, I suggested to keep the windows rolled down. As we neared the school campus the jittery feeling in my stomach had returned. As if sensing the tension justin squeezed my hands and said "everything will be fine I am here for you and I won't let anything happen to you." Kissing me tenderly and then giving me a warm tight hug. "I love you justin" I say to him while hugging him back.

We step out of the car and I could already feel the eyes of the whole school on justin and me. Okay so maybe the day isn't gonna go that well also. Justin slid his arms around my waist and walking me towards the school building. Infrastructure wise I really liked the school, it had a huge football ground an Olympic size swimming pool and the school building was enormous. Riverside high was comparatively smaller than west court.

We walked inside and I could here all sorts of laughter 'hellos' and 'hi' being passed around. The energy was truly infectious I found my nervousness fading and a smile had formed on my face. Just when I thought I liked the place and am going to have a good time here I heard a high pitched annoying voice come from behind me "hiiiii justin!" With that the blonde haired girl slid her snaky arms around justin. I mean I knew justin was really popular amongst the girls in school but this girl, I felt like smacking her right of the face. As if sensing my annoyance the girl put her hands on her hips "and you must be the new girl. Have a nice first day." She said plastering a fake smile and then flirtatiously lacing her fingers around Justin's shoulder "see you at practices" and struts off winking at him. Man I didn't like the girl, it hadn't even been fifteen minutes since I got to school and I had already found someone I didn't like.

"That was Kylie, head cheerleader. She is always like that don't worry about her. So I need to get to my locker and classes are gonna start in 5 mins. We have history and music together so see you then and here is your locker." Justin drops me I front of my locker and gives me a peck on my cheeks.

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