Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

*Luke's POV*

Right now I was standing I front of the mirror in the boy's washroom, staring at myself I was still wearing my dark tight jeans from last night but just because my shirt stank of alcohol I was forced to wear Tanya's shirt.

Obviously I wasn't that stupid to wear a ladies tshirt, she had some old large size band T-shirts and she lent me one and also threatened to kill me if I let anything happen to even one thread of the tshirt.

Last night I crashed in at Tanya's house, I really find her hard to figure out, that day in the hallways she kept snapping at me but today she was just being so sweet. Well, girls! Who can figure them out.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didnot notice this guy with like an actual fringe and had blonde streaks on his very dark hair staring at me from the corner of the washroom. Now I didn't have anything against him but why was he staring at me, "you got a problem?" I turn around and ask.

He straightened up from his actual leaning position on the wall and moved towards me, his gaze was stone cold "no, no problem. I was just wondering where you got that shirt from." He asked crossing his arms over his chest. What is his problem why does he even care. "Why do you care? Tanya lent it to me." I shrugged him off, I was just turning to leave when he put his firm hold on my shoulder. He was really starting to piss me off. "What's your problem bro? Do you own all her shirts or something?" I asked turning and giving him a hard and cold glare.

He gave a cold and fake laughter "seriously? First off I am not your 'bro' and second off I gave her that tshirt. What is it doing with you?" He asked moving forward anger and annoyance flashing in his eyes. "I crashed in her house last night. I needed a shirt so she gave me one, gosh what's your deal?" I asked lightly shoving him.

"Guys! Break it off" Calum separated us both while that guy still kept shooting death glares at me. "Michael I said back off!" Calum said to the guy and he pushed him and came at me, he was almost in my face "I know guys like you okay. Just stay away from her." He venomously spat at me and stormed out of the washroom.

"Umm I am really sorry for that. Actually Tanya and him have been best buddies ever since they were kids so he gets a little protective." Calum tried to explain. "Whatever man." I muttered and moved outside the washroom.

"Hey listen" I heard Calum call out behind me. "Yeah?" I asked him obviously just agitated by the whole Michael guy episode.

"Actually I checked out your YouTube videos, you've got a real talent in singing and I was sort of hoping we could like collaborate some videos and all." He said playing with his feet. I was actually a bit surprised by his request nobody had taken interest on my singing before and this guy was actually asking me to do a collaboration with me. "Umm yeah sure man." I smiled not knowing how to react. "That's great I will talk to Michael since you guys have already met now." He said raising his eyebrows and suppressing a sarcastic smile. "He needs to deal with his issues first." I shrugged and moved to my locker. Calum patted my back and then moved down the hall for his classes.

*Aubrey's POV*

Instead of being in biology class here I was standing in the parking lot, skipping class and waiting for Justin.

"Bri." I heard Justin come in from behind we were standing I front of his car. "I don't what went wrong Aubrey but things are just not working out, everything was just so perfect before." He said lowering his gaze and playing with his shoes. I nervously played with the bracelet Justin had given me.

"Justin I think we just need a little break. I know you've got some issues and you need to sort them out and I am going to be there for you always. Just don't think that I gave up on us maybe you and me and this whole too perfect to be true a relationship wasn't meant to be." I said trying to keep my voice steady. Justin did not move from his position, he didnot even say a word he just kept standing there and staring at me with this emotion in his eyes I couldn't quite understand but it was strong enough to break my heart by just looking at them. After what seemed like eternity he came over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Bri I know it's the right thing to do right now but it just doesn't feel right. I haven't been able to keep you happy but just know that everything I have ever said to you I meant it with all my heart." Saying that he just gave me a peck on the cheek and left. At that moment I couldn't quite understand what I was supposed to feel, I felt bad because I knew if I had tried harder Justin and I would've worked just fine, I felt a bit of relief wash over me as I knew I had one less problem to deal with and I also felt guilty about the fact that I had kissed Calum even though Justin wouldn't have ever done anything of that sort while we were still dating.

I pushed all my thoughts away and decided that this would be the start of a new me. I will start bonding more with my new friends and concentrate on my performance on the fundraiser which I just realised is only 1 more week away.

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