Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

As justin and I approached the classroom, I could feel all eyes on us. We took a seat in front. Mrs. Connelly our history teacher greeted me and welcomed me to the class. She seemed a pretty nice teacher.

We discussed about the post-nazi period and even though I am not that good at history I participated unusually in the class,answering all her questions. I was doing this mostly to annoy justin because I was so pissed with him. Because I knew doing this would definitely get justin a bit insecure about his popularity. After the bell I walked out of the class without even looking back at justin.

"Hey what's your deal? You must be out of your mind!" Justin grabs me by the wrist and hissed rudely at me. "Nothing's wrong I just don't want to see your face right now okay. I will talk to you later." I say and walk away in the opposite direction even though I didn't know where I was heading.

While I was confidently heading to the wrong direction I bump into someone I immediately apologise to him "I am sorry I wasn't looking." I tell the person. After I get a better glance at him I notice that he has pink and blonde streaks on his raven hair and has very pale skin, he was wearing a loose fitted white Beatles t-shirt and dark jeans paired with black chucks. He nods at me and was about to leave when I ask him "hey could you help me find my psychology class? I am new here." He paused and gave me an awkward look then replies "yeah I guess I can do that." Okay that was wierd but it's fine at least he is helping me. "So what class do you have right now?" I ask trying to make conversation. "Umm..same class." He says moving down the hallway to a classroom right next to the washroom. As I enter I notice Kylie sitting in the front faking a smile and looking at me "so new girl I hear you were a cheerleader at riverside huh. We could become friends you know." She says with most fake sweet and enthusiastic voice in the world. She taps at the seat next to her signalling me to sit there. She has got to be kidding me, I would rather get my brains numbed than sit with her. "Thanks for the kind gesture but I already have a friend waiting for me." I say to her mimicking her tone and move to the extreme back of the class where the guy who showed me here sat. I could feel Kylie's eyes pierce into my back as I took my seat beside me, she then flicked her hair and whispered loser under her breath loud enough for me to hear.

"Please tell me no one is sitting here." I look at the guy pleadingly. For the first time he smiles at me and moves his things from the desk and motions me to sit down. I couldn't be more grateful to him. "Hi I am Aubrey but you can call me bri and thanks really. Oh and dude you've got wicked bangs." I couldn't help but stare at his long and thick flicks which covered half of his face most of the times. He gave out a short laugh " I don't know whether to take it as a compliment or not but thanks anyways. I am Michael."

Our psychology teacher made us perform an activity, where we had to interrogate our partners and get to know them. I found out that Michael was a total loner and had two best friends. He also plays the guitar and is into punk rock. To be honest I found him quite nice, the only reason he was a loner was that high school was not really his scene. After he interrogated me, he concluded that I am a peppy and energetic girl and he also confessed that he was quiet surprised when I asked to sit next to him. I liked the fact that we had opened up to each other pretty quick. So I made three friends at school today, so far so good.

It was lunch hour and Michael helped me head back to my locker. "I see you two have already met then." I heard Tanya step in from behind. So Tanya was one of his best friends huh. "Yeah I must say he is pretty awesome." I say smiling widely at both of them as Michael did an imaginary collar lifting movement. I felt someone hug me from behind, "hey babe I am sorry for earlier this morning okay? Let's go have lunch with my friends." And I for once knew that his friends consisted of all the basketball teammates and cheerleaders and I wasn't really in the mood of sitting with self obsessed jocks and bitchy cheerleaders. I got out of his arms and gave him a small peck on his cheeks "I think I will just go join my friends, see you later." Of course I emphasised on 'my'. Both Tanya and Michael stood there wide eyed gaping at me as justin sulked and left us there. "You are now officially insane." Tanya said obviously amused at what I just did.

After sitting on our table, I explained to them how at riverside high we were a close knit family and no one cared about our social status or popularity so it wasn't so unlike me to turn down an offer to sit with the popular crowd of west court. "I mean guys I would rather sit at home and watch a movie than go to party and get drunk for absolutely no reason. And so what if I was cheerleader things were different there, we were not as bitchy and annoying as them." After so much of explanation they finally understood why I chose sitting with them over those popular kids who everyone was dying to sit with. "You've got a hell of an obsessive boyfriend there." Tanya pointed out as I turned to find Justin's eyes fixated on me and his expression read a grey and annoyed as shit. Well it's not my fault that I was not yet prepared to see the douche side of justin, it was so unlike him.

I had one more class for the day as gym was cancelled because of some construction going on in the gymnasium. I headed towards my last class for the day which was music and I knew justin was going to be there so I mentally prepared myself to tolerate him for today. As I was heading to the music room, which by the way was not too hard to spot as it was just next to the reception area and it had a very colourful door. Something the music club had done to make the class look more appealing. "Hey" I heard someone call behind me I turned to see Calum following me up from behind "so we have a class together again huh." He says to me smiling. " hey I really want to apologise for what justin did in the morning.. I hope it's all okay now he didn't really mean to." "C'mon! Already forgotten. It's okay it wasn't you fault so you don't have to apologise on anybody's behalf." He shrugs and moves me along to the class.

For a moment I had forgotten that Justin's gonna be in the same class as Calum and I. So I entered grinning affectionately at Calum and take a seat right next to him. "Umm Aubrey I think we've got a problem" I was brought back to reality when Calum pointed at the right corner of the room where justin and Kylie were seated.


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