Birthday Wishes And Kisses

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~Birthday Wishes And Kisses~


"Come on Raven think!What would a little green elf want?"Raven asked herself,pacing around her room.

A certain green teen's birthday was today and everyone had gotten him his present-except Raven.She spent everyday thinking of what to get him...and still she had thought of nothing.

"Wait...maybe that scooter thing!Oh come on was a....motorcycle?No,he would probably kill himself....What was moped!That's what it was!"Raven cheered.

Before she could slip away,she collided with Starfire,the red headed alien.

"Oh friend!I have thought of the perfect gift to buy friend Beast Boy!"Starfire smiled brightly.

"Oh that's great Star,but I've got to go somewhere,"Raven said,trying to past her.

"Please!Help me in picking the color moped!"Starfire said,pointing to a magazine.

Raven's eyes widened,grabbing the magazine,she sighed.

"Is something the matter?"Starfire asked worriedly.

" should get him this one,"Raven said.

She pointed to a green and black moped.

"Thank you friend Raven!"Starfire gushed before zooming off.

She rubbed her temples and shuffled off to the common room.When she entered,the room was decorated with green and black streamers and balloons.A white and green cake was on a table near the kitchen that read,"Happy 16th birthday."
Beast boy was turning sixteen,everyone was one year older than him,except Cyborg who was eighteen.Beast boy sat on the sofa,with his fingers dancing away on the game controller.Raven sighed and plopped herself next to him.He was so concentrated,he was digging his sharp canine tooth into his tongue.

"Hey Rae,"Beast boy said,eyes glued to the TV.

Raven watched him,thinking of what present he would like.

"Something wrong?"asked Beast boy.

Raven realized she had been staring at him,even after three minutes of him finishing the game.Raven got back to reality and scooted closer.

"Hey Beast boy,if they're was anything you wanted-anything-what would it be?"asked Raven.

Beast boy stared at her and thought deeply.

'Tell her!Tell her now!You know what you want!A date!A kiss!TELL HER!'

"Um.....a k-ki.....killer video game?"Beast boy asked.

'Dang it!You screwed up your chance idiot!'


"I mean a cool video game would sweet,"Beast boy said with a lopsided smile.

Raven glanced at the pile of video games all over the floor and gave Beast boy a ,'really?' face.

"You sure?I mean,if you wanted anything what would it be?"Raven asked once more.

".....A girlfriend?"he asked jokingly.

"Beast boy.I don't think I could get you that,"Raven said,rolling her eyes.

He nodded,"I guess I really don't know what I want."

Raven sighed,"Alright."

She stood up and walked out of the common room.Beast boy slapped his gloved hand on his forehead,stomping his foot.

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