Singing To Jason Derulo

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~Singing To Jason Derulo~

"Yes!My album is finally complete!"Beast boy cheered.

Beast boy sat down at his desk in his messier than usual room.He put the CD in his boom box and stared at it for at least a minute.He finally achieved one thing in life that was dear to him.Making one CD with all his favorite Jason Derulo songs.Happier than ever that he completed it,it started with three of his favorite songs by him.Wiggle,In My Head,and Talk Dirty.He rubbed his hands together and pushed the play button slowly.Cranking up the volume,he jumped up and stared listening to the song,"Wiggle"

You Know What To Do With That Big Fat Butt

Beast Boy stood in front of a mirror and danced.Now it wasn't good dancing...but it was still....dancing.

Hot Damn it

Your Booty Like Two Planets

Beast boy bobbed his head up and down,dancing to one of his favorite songs.However he didn't know his music was a little to loud..

Raven could head the music all the way to her room,already trying to ignore it,her headache just got bigger.Rubbing her temples,Raven slammed her book down and marched over to Beast Boy's room.As she got closer,the music got louder.Raven slammed her fist on the door several times,still,he didn't hear her.Getting angrier than she already was,she kicked the door.Still,he did not hear her.Raven surrounded the door in black magic,swishing it open my force.

"Beast Boy!"Raven yelled.

However,she gasped when she saw Beast Boy....dancing...horribly...

He spun around,eyes widened as he stood there shocked.When Raven finally got over her shock,she smirked.Beast Boy's face paled as he was speechless.The song changed to 'Talk Dirty'

Beast Boy used this to his advantage,turning his embarrassment,to her embarrassment.Waggling his eyebrows,he stepped close to her.

Been Around The World Don't Your Language

He started singing the words,deepening his voice so he sounded husky.

Butcha Booty don't need explaining

He said,grabbing onto Raven's waist.She was to shocked to move,still she glared at him with every step he took.

All I really need to understand is....

Beast Boy moved closer,sending chills down her spine.Raven felt her cheeks getting hot,still she stood her ground.



Beast Boy was now up against her body,breathing in her ear.He inhaled her smells,lavender.

Talk Dirty To Me...

He whispered those words.Letting the music continue,Beast Boy and Raven stood in that position.With him still breathing on her neck,Raven's heart beats faster.They stood like that so long,that the next song came on,'In My Head'

Beast boy smirked and pulls back,finally snapping out of his trance.

In My Head!

Beast Boy sang,pointing to his head.

I See You All Over Me!

He pointed to Raven,then skimming his hands on his body.Which Raven made a disgusted face at.

In My Head!

Raven stepped forward to his boom box and pushed the stop button.

"Beast Boy.One,if you ever.EVER.Get that close to me again I will permanently banish you to another dimension.Second,remove those disgusted thoughts of me out of your head because it will never happen!Third.Get some dancing lessons,"Raven hissed.

Spinning on her heels,Beast Boy chuckled.

"One Rae,I might just get even closer since it bothers you so much.Second,you never know,my dirty fantasies could come true.I'm all for it,just getting you in bed with me will be the hardest thing to do,and third.I just might do that,"Beast Boy said.

Raven stopped in mid-step,a blush rising up on her cheeks.She scoffed,"Try it and see what happens."

"Raven....get in the bed,"Beast boy said huskily.

Raven's eyes widened as she turned around.

"W-what?"Raven asked,stuttering.

"I'm gonna rock your world baby,"Beast boy said,winking.

"Beast Boy."Raven said firmly.

He chuckled,"Oh Rae,believe me,I'm an animal in bed."

Raven stepped back,angry,she blew up a pile of his clothes.

"You're so hot when you get mad."

"Whatever,"Raven mumbled.

"Damn your so fine,"Beast Boy said,watching her open the door.

Raven smirked,"And Beast Boy."

"Ya Rae-Rae?"

"Stop singing to Jason Derulo,"Raven snickered before leaving.

Beast Boy stood there for a couple of seconds.Then,ran his fingers through his hair.

"Why does she have to be so freaking hot?"

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