Cats And Tamaranian Dishes

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Oneshot 11

~Cats And Tamaranain Dishes~


"Please Cy!It was an accident!"Yelped a very frightened Beast boy.

It was a perfect sunny day in Jump city....Well sorta.Beast boy had just made a dent in Cyborg's car on accident when he was playing around.Beast boy ran around the common room in the form of a cat to get away faster.Cyborg chased him,almost falling.Starfire smiled happily,walking into the common room with a bowl....of something.

"Friends!I am making the Glorfog for the dinner!"she cheered,using a metal spoon to stir the black goop that was bubbling unintentionally.

Beast boy,not paying attention to where he was running,crashed into Starfire.She looked down bewildered,then noticed that Cyborg was close behind.He crashed into Starfire,sending the Tamaranian dish flying out of her hands.

"Friends!"she yelped.

Too late.

The bowl slammed on Beast boy's cat head,the black goop pouring all over his fur.Beast boy,frightened by the out of no where attack,jumped back.He then ran as fast as he could,well,as fast as his little four legs could carry him.

"Dang it Bb!"yelled Cyborg.

He helped Starifire up and cleaned up the left over goo that didn't end up on Beast boy.While he was finishing up the mess,Beast boy ran to the hallway,coming to a complete halt.He gasped for air,laying against the wall.

That was too close dude!

Beast boy then realized he was still a cat.He shook his fur,unaware of the goop that had soaked deep into his fur,causing him to look like a normal black cat.Beast boy tried to morph back,trying hard,but he could change.

What the heck!?I-I can't change back!

He walked around in circles,now noticing the black substance.

Wait.What's this?

Beast boy then sat down,trying to lick whatever was on his fur.However,as soon a his tongue touched it,he withdrew quickly,tasting the horrible bitter taste.

Eeeeew gross!This is one of Starfire's Tamaran dishes!It taste like crap....literally!Ugh....what am I gonna do?I can't change back because of this goop.Aaaaaand now I'm bored....

He sighed a soft meow,walking around the tower.Beast boy then heard someone whispering softly.His now black ears twitched as he came closer and closer to the whispers.When he found where it came from he stopped at Raven's door.A mischievous smiled formed on his cat face.

Hey....Rae doesn't know I'm cat!I can go in her room now!Sweet!This'll be fun!

Beast boy cleared his throat and whined a long and loud meow.He scratched his paws against the door,whining.He heard shuffling as the door flew open.Raven looked down,her expression softening.She bent down looking at the black cat that was purring slightly,it's tail swishing side to side.

"What a cute little kitty...Wait,how did you get in here little fella,"Raven cooed.

The cat purred and rubbed his head against her legs,tail hitting Raven's face.

This is gonna be great!

Raven smiled and grabbed the cat underneath its stomach.Pulling it up slowly,she cradled it against her chest.The cat,that Raven didn't know was Beast boy,rubbed his head against her chin.She giggled lightly as she entered he room.Raven sat the cat on her bed,she then plopped herself next to it.She played with the cats tail,twirling it around her finger.

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