Food Shortage And Grocery Shopping

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~Food Shortage And Grocery Shopping~


"Look Raven,the ears get me all the charm!"Beast boy bragged.

Raven sat there,nodding,pretending that she was listening when she was actually reading her book.

"I wonder when the ears will work it's charm on you...."he grinned,eyebrows waggling as he inched closer.

Raven didn't even tear her eyes from her book,she merely flicked her wrist and caused Beast boy's animal printed boxers to come over his eyes.

"Ah!Can't see!"Beast boy cried.

Raven muffled a laugh as she was still reading her book.

"Friend Robin,I still do not understand the concept of the 'making out' for what does it have any valid reasons to do with the kissing,"Starfire explained,confused.

Robin smiled and followed Cyborg to the common room.

"Star,it's complicated,it's just a term teens use instead of kissing,"Robin said,grabbing one of the game controller.

Cyborg muffled a laugh while grabbing the second controller,"Ya,teens use it instead of sucking face."

Robin glared and elbowed him.

Beast boy,after finding a way out of his boxers,crossed his arms firmly over his chest.

"You know Star,I've make out with TONS of girls before,"he said in a cocky attitude.

Raven arched eyebrow and looked up from her book.

"Name me one girl you've ever made out with,"Raven said in her usual monotone.

Beast boy scratched the back of his head nervously.Raven smirked and looked back at her book.


Beast boy glared,but a flirtatious smile replaced it right after.

"So Raven,wanna be my first?"he asked,scooting closer.

"In your dreams,"Raven said bluntly.

"Yep,those were some good moments,oh baby,"Beast boy moaned.

A blush threatened to take over Raven's pale cheeks,so she pulled up her hood and used her foot to kick him hard off the sofa.Beast boy had a collision with the floor,making a loud thump when he hit it.

"Ow!"Beast boy yelped.

Raven mumbled another word but continued reading.Beast boy pulled himself off the ground,but this time learned not to sit next to Raven,or bother her for that matter.He ran to the kitchen and slammed right into the fridge.Beast boy opened it and looked through,finding nothing.A worried feeling clutched onto him as he looked through all the cabinets .


Beast boy chewed on the inside of his cheek,which made it painful do to his fangs.He looked around the kitchen and found nothing.

"DUDES!We're out of food!"Beast boy yelled.

Everyone ignored him,continuing what they were doing before he left.

"Dudes!Did you hear me!?We're out of food!Like,completely!We're all gonna die!"Beast boy literally screamed.

Robin paused the game and turned to him.

"Oh?And who's fault is that?Who didn't go grocery shopping last week?"Robin said,piercing his eyes into Beast boy.

He chuckled nervously,"Ya,I forgot...."

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