Waiting At The School

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~Waiting At The School~


Raven frantically searched around Jump City,scared to death.

"Where is he???"she thought aloud.

Zooming through Jump City,she looked everywhere.When he was considered lost,the others were scared out of their skin.Of course,she didn't show she was even the slightest bit worried,but inside,she was petrified.It was almost three and she had been looking all morning.About to give up,she started walking instead of flying.When she walked past the school.

Hearing girls squeal and yelp,Raven thought they were in trouble quickly,she ran to them.However,she came to a complete halt when she discovered their yelps were followed by laughter.Since she was closer,the teen school girls' conversation was crystal clear.Raven hid behind a bush,some leaves blocking her view.When she moved them,a surprise shocked her.Someone was talking to the girls.....Beast boy.

Anger grew inside her as she clenched
her fist.

'He had me worried sick....just to flirt with a bunch of school girls!?'Raven thought angrily.

Before Raven could go confront him,she listened to the shocking conversation.

"She's not going to talk to you little green dude,"One girl said.

"Ya,she's already got a boyfriend,so stop being a stalker and go away,"the other said.

"Look I just want to talk to her,"Beast boy said.

The girls crossed their arms.

"You know,Terra isn't going to like you ok?Besides,she isn't gonna go out with some hideous green freak,"the first girl spat.

"Exactly,so why don't you just walk to whatever forest you came from and Never.Come.Back."the second hissed.

Raven was astonished,she stood up,eyes glowing white,trees whisking around.Raven headed toward them.

"So get going ya little-"

"You were saying?"

Raven put both hands on hips,standing next to boyfriend.Bothe girls looked her up and down,then scowled.

"Who are you?His girlfriend?"asked the first girl.

Raven glanced at Beast boy who didn't looked back at her.Gritting her teeth,she smiled proudly and nodded.

"Yep,got a problem?"asked Raven,piercing her eyes into the two stuck up girls.

"Ya,that your boyfriend is dog ugly,"Both laughed.

Raven's eyes changed to white as the girls shivered in fear.Her eyes changed back to normal.

"Say another thing to my boyfriend and you'll never see daylight again,"Raven hissed.

Both girls gulped in fear,inching backwards.They then turned around and walked away with their noses in air,mumbling some curse words.Raven rolled her eyes and turned back to Beast boy.

"Where have you been?I-We have been looking all over for you!"Raven cried out.

Beast boy plopped down on the sidewalk of the school.He looked down sadly.

"I'm sorry...."

Raven's expression softened.She sat down on the dusty sidewalk next to him.Raven scooted closer to him,pulling down her hood.

"So....those girls...."Raven asked.

Beast boy sighed,"Alright.You caught me.I was trying to talk to Terra....."

Raven's eyes widened,however she remained silent.

"I-I just wanted to see if she could at least try to remember me...."Beast boy whispered.

"Beast boy....why do you keep holding on?"

He turned his head to her and arched an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean,why do you still believe her?Why can't you move on?"asked Raven.

Beast boy looked down at his feet,kicking some pebbles around.

"Because.....she.....she was the only girl that like me for me.Terra wasn't like those school girls.She didn't mind my green skin,my fangs,my ears.No,she loved all those traits.She was the only one....now she's gone and I won't love anyone again....There is no one here in this world that will love me again.I know Terra's gone,but I don't want to believe that....Because if she's gone....then no one will ever love me again...."he choked out.

He didn't cry,nor was he angry.No,he just stared at the sky with no emotion.Raven scooted even closer,arms touching.

"Look....I know you probably think that,but I mean,that's not true.I bet there is at least fifteen hundred girls and much more that'll love you for you.You just don't know it.There could be a girl just for you right here in Jump City.You just haven't found her yet,"Raven said.

He turned to her,"Really?"

Raven smiled nodded,"She is here Beast boy.You're just not looking right.And waiting at this school isn't looking for her."

Beast boy nodded,listening to her words.

"She's somewhere.Beast boy I know it.She's probably just shy and-"

Beast boy grasped onto the back of her head and pushed forward.Catching her lips in a passionate kiss.Raven squeaked in shock,she even tensed.However,when he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap,she sunk into the kiss.She moved her hands to his head and continued to kiss back.When both pulled back,they blushed.


She didn't speak.

"I think I found the girl for me...."he whispered.

Raven looked at him,"Me?"

He smiled,"Yes...."

Raven bit her bottom lip,then turned to him.She inched out his lap and leaned on his shoulder.

"Beast boy...."

"Yes Raven?"

"You know.....I don't think your a green freak....I love your ears,your fangs,even your green skin....I love you for you...And if Terra can't see that right now,she's not worthy to be your girlfriend,"Raven explained.


"Yes Beast boy..."

She turned to him,he then cupped her chin.

"I love you...."

Raven smiled,"I love you too..."

Once again,they shared a kiss.School bell rang as all the students scurried to get home.Terra was talking to some of her friends,laughing along with them.When she made it outside,she spotted two figures,kissing outside the school gates.Terra squinted her eyes,trying to find out who they were.

"Hey Terra,guess who we were just talking too,"said one of the girls.

Terra didn't take her eyes off of them,"Who?"

"That green stalker guy,"said the other.

Terra turned to her,"You mean the green boy?"

"Yep,he wanted to talk to you,"said the first girl.

A small glimpse of hope sparked inside of Terra.She had waited for Beast boy to talk to her,so she could explain what happened.

"But then his girlfriend showed up,"said the second girl.

That glimpse of hope died away.

Terra sighed,"I'll be back."

"Terra!Where are you going,"said her friends.She ignored them and tried to see who the kissing couple were.When she reached the gate,she could see through.When she found out who they were.....her heart sank.It was Beast boy.....kissing Raven.A tear trickled down her cheek as she turned away.She was too late....Terra walked away,glancing at the boy that was once hers....

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