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I'm polite and content
Or so she thinks
For my mistress's eyes
Never blink

But behind closed doors
I cry and hide
For my mistress's eyes
Only see the "justified"

I'm tired of her yelling
And her harsh grasp
For my mistress's eyes
Are as solid as those of the asp

She tells me to behave
And be sincere
For my mistress's eyes
Are much more than just austere

I'm told to stay
Or I'll be hunted
For my mistress's eyes
Are ice to be confronted

So I'm trapped
In this place
For my mistress's eyes
Never ditch a race

I'm trapped
With these unbearable chains
For my mistress's eyes
Hold the reigns

But I've been thinking
Of a way to leave
For my mistress's eyes
Are bereaved

So, my fellow
I've found a way out from crying
For my mistress's eyes
I've finally defiled

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