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It's simple and frightening
And I can't believe it's true

I tried for so long
To not fall for you

I thought you'd be disappointed
In what I couldn't give you

But I was wrong

You looked past everything
I'd done, through and through

And still you stayed
And loved me too

You smiled and held me up,
You're eyes never left mine,
You're love was warm and reassuring,
And you're hand never let go of mine
It was then I knew
That I really do love you

It scared me
Because it couldn't be true

No one could love me
As much as you do

I thought you would one day hurt me
And leave me too

But you stayed.
You pulled me along
And never left my side
And for that and so much more,
I love you

To those of you who know me, you know who this is for

To those of you reading, if you find someone who is this, and is willing to support you, don't let them go. Ever.

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