
12 5 1

You choke me with your words
That hurt and burn
You say it's my fault
That I'm the reason why

I just want things to be better
And not have to listen
To your yelling
And screaming
And hurt

I just want to see
My Daddy smile again
And pick us up in one big embrace
Like he used to

But I'll never get to see that
Because I'm "causing the problems"
Isn't that what you said?

Even though I'm trying to save you
From more hurt
And more tears

But no

I've given up my childhood
I've given up my peace
So I could save you

But instead
You give me your
And knives

That didn't do the job you wanted
So you hope I will


I'm not giving up.

My family will smile again


This one didn't make much sense because it was more of a rant. I apologize but I just needed to speak. 😊 Thanks to all my readers!

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