Chapter 8 (Moving on)

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It's been 3 weeks since I had my nightmare of Nico and I can't stop worrying.

Leo stops by my cabin everyday to see if I'm okay and want to talk.

He's been really sweet and kind about this whole thing but I can tell he doesn't want to hear me cry over Nico anymore.

I generally try to avoid Hazel because I know if I look at her my guilt will force me to tell her of Nico's fate.

I haven't really been showing up at all of my activities but I never miss an opportunity to burn offerings for the gods.

My life is in shattered pieces without Nico and with my birthday coming up soon I miss him more than ever.

"Elise, you have to pay attention" Frank said with his sword to my chest for the 10th time this secession.

"Sorry" I said half heartedly.

Frank sighed and said "I think you need to talk to Chiron you've been in this depression stage for a while now and it's not getting better".

I looked at him and tried to fake a smile "I'm find" I said but even I didn't believe myself.

"No Elise you're really not" Frank sternly said.

I nodded and frowned.

"I'll see Chiron if you want me to but please know it won't help me" I snapped as I started towards the Big House.

When I reached the door to the Big House I knocked and heard Chiron say "come in".

I walked in and moved over to Chiron.

He took one look at me and his face went from a pleasant expression to a extremely concerned one.

"Elise you aren't well" He said gesturing for me to sit down.

I shook my head "I'm not" I sighed.

"What is it that has you in such a depressed state of mind?" Chiron asked me.

"Nico, I had a dream he died about 3 weeks ago" as soon as I had said it I felt a little weight lift off my shoulders.

Chiron's face from concerned to deeply saddened "alas it is always a tragedy whenever we lose a camper".

I felty eyes to tear "do you think we could have a Cremation for him?" I asked starting to cry.

Chiron nodded "As soon as Percy and Annabeth return from their quest we shall give Nico's soul a proper good bye".

I have him a thankful smile as tear rolled out of my eyes.

"Now it's okay to grieve but letting this hang over you like a dark shadow for the rest of your life isn't the way to help accept the fact he is gone" Chiron spoke with such certainty I felt as though he knew the exact pain I was feeling.

I nodded and smiled a sad smile and gave Chiron an awkward hug.

"Thank you Chiron you always know what to say" I sniffed.

He grinned at me "Anytime Elise , anytime".

As I left the big house I thought about what Chiron said grieving was exceptable but letting it stick around forever was not.

I passed the stables and decided to check up on Percy's Pegasus Blackjack.

Although when I went in I found Leo talking to himself.

"Why did I ever fall for Elise?" he mumbled "I mean she's beautiful and funny but she obviously is in love with Nico and can't get over him".

I decided to leave Leo to himself and I walked over to the Hephaestus cabin.

"Hey Hey" I said knocking on the door.

A younger sibling of Leo's opened the door and said "What are you doing here?".

"I was wondering if Leo was in?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"No can I take a message?" the little boy said.

"Um sure tell him that Elise was wondering if he'd meet me by the lake after dinner" I said trying to act sweet to this little boy.

He grunted which I took as a yes and left.

Dinner took forever to come and lasted a lifetime but when it ended I walked over to the lake to wait for Leo.

I saw him looking and I waved.

He ran over and said "Do you need to talk".

I nodded.

"There's something that's been bugging me and I think you can help me with it" I said.

"What is it?" Leo asked me sitting down on the shore.

I sat down beside him and answered "I've been thinking about Nico's death and I realized its left this kind of hole in my life".

Leo looked at me and spoke "Please continue".

"Well I was thinking a lot about what might be able to fix it" I continued "And I think if I move on then it might help me cope with the grief a little better".

Leo looked at me and moved a little closer.

My nose filled with his Pine fresh scent and I was enchanted. "I might be able to fill that hole" Leo said with a smirk.

This time when Leo leaned in I didn't resist.

His lips were soft and gentle and his arms wrapped me in a warm embrace.

I loved it I felt happy for the first time since the stupid quest, but then my mind ruined the kiss by reminding me of Nico and his Vanilla Pomegranate scent and his cold touch along with his black hair that made me melt.

I broke away from Leo and blushed. "I really like you Leo" I said standing up.

"I really like you too Elise" he said standing up beside me.

"I um have to go back to my cabin" I said heading towards the cabins "Goodnight Leo" I waved running towards my cabin.

When I reached my cabin I tried to go to bed but I was restless with the thoughts of the amazing kiss turned bitter.

I finally fell asleep and an all to familiar dream started and I prepared myself for a night of horror.

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