Chapter 11 (Loyalty)

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I laid with Nico for a while enjoying his warmth, but I soon had to leave for breakfast "I love you" I said quickly kissing him goodbye.

As I was walking down to breakfast I ran into Leo.

"Hey Elise" He said half heartedly.

I felt an odd tugging in my heart.

"Uh. Hi Leo" I said nervously.

"Listen before you tell me which one of us you chose I wanted to say I like you a lot and if you choose Nico I still want to be friends" He said quickly.

I was surprised and a little relieved.

He had just taken a lot of stress off of me but I felt like a jerk breaking the news to him.

"I'm really glad you said that Leo" I started.

This was really hard to do. I didn't know why but I felt regret I had started to even talk about it.

"I think that it's only fair I stay with Nico because I was with him first" I said.

The words left a bitter taste in my mouth and I could tell the words hurt Leo.

"I do have feelings for you though" I said to him trying to make him feel better.

He looked at me and said "That makes this worse Elise".

I could see the words hurt him like a stab to the heart.

His eyes were filling with tears but he wouldn't let himself cry.

My heart hurt and I felt like crap. I knew Leo was heart broken because I had chosen Nico so I quickly walked away to try to my avoid guilt.

When I sat down at my table for breakfast I saw that Percy had already arrived.

He looked at me and said "Well aren't you looking beautiful today sis".

He was being sarcastic and I knew it.

"Not in the mood" I muttered sadly.

His expression changed from a sarcastic joy to an angry one.

"What did Di Angelo do?" He asked me sternly.

"Nothing it was actually my fault" I said distantly.

He looked at me suspiciously "What did you do then?" He asked.

"I really don't want to have this kind of a conversation with my brother" I snapped.

Although I wished I hadn't worded it like that because Percy's eyes went wide and he grew furious.


"No, no it's not like that" I hurried to explain.

He calmed slightly "Do I have to call mom?" he asked still upset.

"No" I said still trying to calm him "I just need to talk to Annabeth about this" I finished.

I could tell he was unsure about me but I ignored my annoying big brother and went to find Annabeth.

"Hey can we talk?" I asked when I found her at the Athena table. She nodded and we went for a walk.

"What's wrong" She said when we finally found a quiet place to talk. I explained everything about Nico and Leo and how I've been greeting weird tugs in my heart.

"Well" She started after I finished. "You're definitely in a tough position here. I think that you made the best decision you could" she said.

"Then why do I feel lousy about it I mean I feel like someone has ripped me apart." I said miserably.

She looked at me with sad eyes and gave me a hug. "I can only sort of imagine what you're going through" she said. "The same thing happened with me, Percy and Luke" she told me.

I realized what she meant. She was once stuck between to boys once too. Except her choice was a little more obvious than mine.

My heart still hurt and I realized why.

I had picked Nico and left Leo and in the process my heart broke.

But why?

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