Chapter 16 (Who doesn't love a good party?)

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The day after my father left I woke up on my own and I was dry. My first reaction was to grab my sword and lead a quest to find Percy because there was no way he would let me sleep in and then not drench me with water.

I found my answer on a note that was taped on top of a box.

Dear Elise,
Happy Birthday! What are you like 15 now? You're practically an old lady! Here's a little gift from the most amazing brother in the whole monster infested world!


I was shocked at the note from everything that happened I totally forgot that my birthday was today.

Instead if dwindling on the fact I completely forgot about my birthday I opened the box and found a lipstick tube inside.

I was puzzled but when I opened it to see the shade of lipstick it was it transformed into a sword. It had a little engraving on it.


I smiled at the gift Percy really did know me.

I heard a knock on my door and turned.

There stood Nico at the frame with his cheeks full of embarrassment.

I was distraught, why would Nico be embarrassed?

And then it hit me.

"Oh sorry I just woke up" I said throwing a hoodie over my head onto my body to cover my camisole.

He still looked embarrassed but he approached me.

"Um isn't that my hoodie?" he asked me looking at the hoodie.

I looked down and realized that it was indeed his hoodie.

"Oh... Uh .... I'm really sorry I'll take it off" I said starting to pull the hoodie off.

"No don't it looks better on you" He said piercing into my eyes.

I was blushing all over the place as Nico wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in. He kissed me softly.

"Happy Birthday" he whispered pulling back and placing his forehead onto mine.

"Thanks" I said grinning.

He laughed but I could tell it wasn't genuine.

"What did my family do to you?" I asked concerned. He hadn't been acting the same since Percy's attack and my fathers visit.

He didn't answer me he just kissed me again.

He handed me a long box.

"What's this?" I asked taking it. I opened it to find a beautiful charm bracelet inside and I gasped.

"Oh Nico" I said in amazement.

The bracelet was silver and had charms along parts of it. I saw a charm of a tree a charm of a sword and shield. I saw a charm of a seagull and I saw a charm of a name, Nico.

"Do you like it?" he asked nervously.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him joyfully.

"I love it!" I exclaimed happily. "And I love you" I said kissing him again.

He was definitely the best boyfriend ever!

"Want to get some breakfast?" Nico asked me.

"I would love to!" I said then I realized "I have to change though so wait outside".

He gave me a pouty face but I just pushed him outside to get ready.

I straitened my sandy blonde hair and then put on a dash of makeup. I put on a blue shirt to compliment my eyes and then head down to breakfast with Nico.

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