Chapter 2

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The 4 hours that I had before my father came home was not enough. I had racked my brains, tapped the table, and grit my teeth, but to only one conclusion.

We are done for.

The sound of keys attracted my attention. My head snapped in that direction, and I felt tears coming as my father walked in slowly, kicking off his shoes, and taking off his worn out coat. It was a 20 year old coat that he refused to throw because my mother had given it to him as their anniversary present. It was the last thing he got from her before... before it happened.

I took the crumpled letter from the table and walked towards him. He gave me a big smile, opening his arms for a hug, but dropped his arms as he saw my tears. His smile faltered, as he took steps towards me.

"Baby, whats wrong?" He looked at my face for some explanation, and noticed my hand clenching the letter hard.

Without needing to read it, his eyes widened in understanding. He stuttered, starting to panic. "I-I was really working hard so that I c-could fix this myself without worrying you." I looked upwards in frustration. "Dad, we're in this toge-"

"You've got a bright future ahead of you and I didn't want you to lose focus", my dad interrupted me assertively.

My eyebrows furrowed and I felt more warm tears trickle down my face. "Dad, that all doesn't matter if we can't even pay our rent. We're in this together, and you can't hide this from me."

My father pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

"I'm going to help you, I don't care what you say. I have my whole summer vacation to work and earn some money for us." My dad stuttered in protest. "No Dad. I want to do this. I want to help you." I took his trembling hands into mine.

I looked into his honey brown eyes, and the wrinkles at the side of them as he tried to hold in his tears. He sniffed in a hardy attempt to hold them back, but knowing my father, the tears wouldn't be stopped by that. We looked into each others eyes, with a buzz slowly getting louder in my ears.

"Let me help you", I whispered.

And with a single blink of his eye, he agreed.

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