Chapter 31

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"Thank you for flying with us to Korea, we hope to see you again." The captain had said as everyone grabbed their bags and suitcases.

There were so many faces, some upset from their finished vacations, some excited to start them, some were glad to be back to the country they were familiar with, then there was me.

I didn't know how to feel or what to feel. Was I scared of not finding Taehyung, never meeting him or him forgetting me?

Was I happy for finally being in the same country as him, finally having a chance of finding him or was it cause I was breathing in the same air as him?

I couldn't even get a grasp of my emotions as I stared at everyone walking to the exit.

I bit my lip trying to figure out my emotions, having the sudden taste of steel in my mouth when I realised I was biting my lip too hard.
It was a daily routine, wake up, get dressed, leave, go to the nearby park, and wish.

Everyday, the same.

Wishing and wishing and wishing. Just for Holland to come back.

I sat there staring up at the sky.

Holding the jar 'our' in my hands.

I opened it and smelt the rose petals which never failed to rot.

It smelt like Holland, the honey, flower smell of her.

It wasn't the rose smell in the jar, it was her smell.

I single tear threatened to trickle down my cheek as I tried my best to keep it in.
I didn't bother cleaning my stuff to get ready to move in completely into the apartment we were living in now.

I walked out taking a coat with me wanting to take a walk to get some fresh air.

Okay maybe I was lying, I probably actually was going out to stare at the sky and wish for him to come, like I always did.

And maybe just maybe I could have a higher chance to bump into him. But I wouldn't be that fortunate would I?

I sighed as I walked to my nearby park and sat on one the benches.

Looking up at the sky and finding the moon.

Slowly searching the stars as they soon started to become visible.

I wonder what Tae could be doing.

Did he cheat on me? Is he with someone now?

I shook my head kicking all the thoughts out, trying to stay positive.

Wasn't this the park where Taehyung first asked me out?

I stood up walking to the bench which we sat on that time.

As I got closer and closer I saw a figure sitting on that bench.

Should I just leave? It's getting dark, and the bench is taken.

As I was about to turn I heard the person sitting on the bench, sigh.

His voice, his breath, it all seemed so familiar, so comforting.

I turned back to him and walked some more until he was clearly seen.

Is that Taehyung?

No, I don't think it would be, I've been hallucinating every time, it would never be him.

I was about to turn away again until I saw something catch my eyes as it glittered from the reflection of the light above.

The j-jar... 'our'.

Was this really my Tae?

Tears had filled the brim of my eyes as they spilled down, not wanting to stop.

I walked closer and closer and closer until I could see every detail on the side of his face, even the scar on his cheek which I adored.

This was my Tae. It's actually him.

My nose got all red as tears started to soak my shirt.

"Tae?" I said while walking faster to the bench feeling as if the bench was suddenly going further and further away from me as the ground started to narrow.

He looked up.

It's him.

It's actually him.

He looked up slowly, eyes locking just like the first time.

His chocolate brown eyes were restless as if he had been struggling to sleep.

"Holland?" He said as he stood up from the seat, eyes widening

The tears he had been holding finally all streamed down his face.

"Holland?" He said louder as his voice cracked.

"Tae!" I replied louder while running to him, him mirroring me.

Soon the gap between us had disappeared, he was finally in my arms.

His arms were tight around my waist and his face was nuzzled in the crook of my neck.

My hands were around his back as my face was pressed against his chest, feeling the beat of his heart against me.

This really was him.

This was my Taehyung.

"You came back, you're really here, I thought I was dreaming. Am I dreaming??" Taehyung said with his voice cracking in between.

"I hope not Tae, I've been hallucinating every single time I thought I saw you" I replied my tears soaking his shirt.

"I've been hallucinating too." He said, his voice much smoother.

When we pulled away, Taehyungs actions were so fast, as if he had stopped time, as his lips were pressed on mine.

It was passionate and slow, expressing the burden of the long wait and the moments of existential crisis when we couldn't find each other.

Our lips in sync, our tears mixed on each other's faces and my dad just standing there in shock.
Thank you all so much for your sweet words and your support for my first book!💜❤️
I really appreciate each and every single one of you :3

Please don't be a silent reader, feel free to comment and vote:) it makes my day!

Love you!
Yes you.

Have a good morning/night!

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