Chapter 8

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"Okay, Buizel, use Sonicboom!" Ash yelled. The orange Pokemon clapped its tails together, creating a shockwave of white energy.

"Piplup, dodge it!" Verity yelled, swinging her arm in front of her as she gave the command. The Penguin Pokemon jumped into the air above Buizel, dodging the attack.

Verity smiled. "Now use Hydro Pump!"

"Counter with Water Gun!" Ash cried.

The two Water Pokemon pulled their heads back before gushing out a stream of water. The attacks collided, creating a tug-of-war between two streams of water.

Eventually, Buizel started to prevail, pushing the water closer and closer to Piplup, who was still airborne thanks to its Hydro Pump. The Water Gun landed a direct hit, knocking Piplup out of the sky and causing it to faint.

"All right!" Ash cheered. Buizel ran over to its trainer and smiled brightly.

Verity ran over and picked her Piplup off the ground.

"Lup..." Piplup purred, weakly opening its eyes.

"You did good, Piplup. We almost had him." Verity said with a smile. She cradled Piplup in her arms and walked over to Ash. "Thanks for the practice!"

Ash smiled as he recalled Buizel into its Pokeball. "It was no problem. Anytime. Assuming I'm awake, that is."

Verity laughed as she pulled her Pokegear out of her bag. "Well, I'm gonna go. See you soon!" The brunette then turned and lightly jogged towards the dorms. Ash smiled and headed over to the cafeteria, since he hadn't eaten breakfast due to the training.


Verity laid her stuff down on the table and sprawled herself across the couch. She stretched herself out and yawned.

"Verity!" A voice called out.

"Yeah?" Verity yelled back, shutting her eyes calmly.

"Don't lay your stuff on the table!" The voice continued. It sounded closer than before.

Verity yawned again. "Yeah, sure, whatever..." The brunette felt someone breathing on her face. She opened one eye and saw an angry redhead towering over her.

"Hi Misty! What's up?" Verity asked with a sly smile. She playfully pushed the redhead out of her face.

"What's up?" Misty asked furiously. "You need to stop treating the dorm like you own the place! That's what's up!"

"Misty..." A timid blunette said from across the room.

"What?!?" Misty roared.

"Um... Your popcorn is burning..."

"Ah!" Misty screamed. "Lana! Why didn't you say anything?!" The redhead rushed into the kitchen and opened the microwave to the smell of burnt kernels.

"But... I did say something..." Lana continued, pushing her fingertips together nervously.

Misty growled at the blunette. She snatched the bag out of the microwave, sat down in the living room, and reluctantly began to eat the blackened popcorn.

"Lighten up, Misty." A voice said from the bedroom. Korrina walked in afterwards.

Misty rolled her eyes at the blonde. "Look Korrina. My boyfriend is in the hospital. I'm really stressed."

Korrina folded her arms. "That doesn't mean you can go yell at everyone about everything! Besides, he's gonna get out tomorrow."

"Yeah..." Misty mumbled. Suddenly, her eyes went wide as she slowly turned around. " Uh... How did you know he was getting out tomorrow? "

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