Chapter 26

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"So you aren't going out today?" May asked over the Pokegear.

"No..." Brendan sighed. "I'm not feeling great right now. My head has been killing me since late last night."

May frowned. "Why don't you head down to the beach? The salt in the air might get whatever it is out of your system!"

"Rather not." Brendan replied as he scratched hid head. "If I'm getting sick or anything, I don't want to get everyone else sick."

"Brendan, you might get people on the boat sick. We leave tomorrow..." May gripped her arm tightly as she looked out the window.

Brendan shook his head and sighed again. "I know, and I'm sorry. If I'm still sick tomorrow, I'll stay in the room all day."

"Alright... Need anything?"

The boy chuckled. "Some sleep would be nice."

May rolled her eyes and smiled. "Fine, I'll let you nap. Call me when you get up."

"Deal. Love you, babe."

"Love you, too." May stated, making an audible kiss to her lover before hanging up.

"If Brendan is staying in... I'll go get him something for when he feels better!" May explained aloud. She grabbed her purse and room key and went out of the room.

Brendan laid the Pokegear down and stared at his watch.




Brendan finally got up out of bed. He threw off his tank top and put on a light blue t-shirt. He slipped into his socks and shoes before grabbing the room key and heading out the door himself.


"So Risa, are we ever gonna battle?" Ash asked.

Risa shrugged. "I don't know. I need to get some work done at the lab..."

Ash groaned. "I haven't battled anyone at all since we got here. This is killing me!"

"It's your vacation, you don't have to battle." Risa pointed out.

Rolling his eyes, Ash turned his head. "I just wanted one battle..."

"I'm game." A voice said flatly from behind. The duo turned to see a boy in an indigo shirt leaning against a palm tree.

"Paul? How long have you been standing there?" Ash questioned.

Paul smirked as he stepped forward. "Long enough. And you aren't the only one itching for a fight." He pulled out a Pokeball and extended it towards Ash. "You in?"

Ash glanced back at Risa briefly. Turning back to Paul, he gave him a confident smile. "Sure, yeah, let's do it!"

The two boys moved to opposite points in the grassy field right near Professor Kukui's Alolan lab. Ash pressed his foot into the dirt and pulled out a Pokeball of his own.

Paul threw his Pokeball very nonchalantly as he sent his Pokemon out. "Aggron, stand by for battle!" The Pokeball opened and released a colossal beast. The Pokemon was covered in shiny metallic armor pieces all over its body.

"Agg!" Aggron let out a mighty roar as it prepared for battle. Ash smirked as he threw his Pokeball. "Hawlucha, I choose you!"

Ash's Pokeball opened, revealing a birdlike Pokemon with red and white feathers, in contrast to its green and orange mask it wore over its beak and eyes. "Lu, lucha!" Hawlucha chanted while flexing and stretching its muscles.

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