Chapter 19

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The boat's whistle echoed across the port. A large crowd of students flooded off of the boat. Ash and Pikachu dragged their luggage along, finally dropping it once they got down. Sawyer and Grovyle caught up with them shortly after.

A small elevated platform was placed on the edge of the dock. Professor Kukui climbed on top and looked over the crowd.

"Well, this is a fine looking crowd we got here!" Kukui called out, smiling brightly. "Well, as you can see, we have made it to the Alola region! We've landed in Hau'oli City, the largest city across the Alolan islands. There's plenty to explore, so please, stay with a group."

After a few short minutes, Kukui left the stage. Everyone brought their bags to the hotel and put their things away.

Ash waited in the hallway, slumped up against the wall with Pikachu peeking around his leg. Sawyer finally walked out of his room. "Anyone else we're waiting on?" Sawyer asked.

Ash shook his head. "No. Drew was headed to the beach, and Gary wanted to be with his sister. I haven't seen Paul, and Sorrel said he wasn't feeling too well right now."

Sawyer smirked. "What, is he seasick?"

Ash shrugged. "Probably..."

"So I take it we aren't going swimming?" Sawyer asked with a frown.

Ash glanced down at Sawyer's jeans. "Even if we were, I'd hope you aren't gonna wear jeans to the beach when it's this hot out!"

Sawyer crossed his arms. "Says the guy wearing a jacket."

Ash nodded. "Fair point, fair point. Now let's go!"


Misty tapped her foot rapidly, waiting on the bathroom door to open. She groaned as she checked the clock on the wall.

"Verity!" Misty yelled, knocking on the door. "Come on, we're burning daylight, and I still need to change!"

The redhead heard giggling from the other side of the door. "Misty, just change out there. I won't say anything about it."

Misty blushed. "No! We're on the ground floor! Someone can look in through the window!" She growled as she leaned back up against the wall.

Verity came out of the bathroom wearing a dark blue two piece swimsuit with magenta highlights around the leg holes and along the back straps.

Misty smiled. "Aw, that looks cute on you!"

"Thanks! Now hurry up and change! I wanna get to the pool," Verity replied with an even bigger smile.

Misty nodded as she picked her clothes up off of the floor and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

"So," Verity started as she took out her hair tie, letting her short brown hair fall, "is your boyfriend here?"

"Gary?" Misty asked loudly. "Yeah, he is. Why?"

"Weren't you gonna invite him to come swim with us?" Verity asked back.

"No. He wanted spend time with his sister for a bit," Misty replied.

Verity looked down at the camera on her Pokegear as a mirror as she dug around in her bag for a brush. "And you're cool with that?"

Misty paused. "Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

Verity shrugged. "Well, most couples always want to be together, especially if you're traveling to a place like Alola. You just want to leave him and not be with him here?"

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