Chapter 12

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Ash and Sawyer were walking down the concrete walkways on their way to class. Ash kept his eyes fixated on the ground, lost in thought.

"Ash, you okay?" Sawyer said, scribbling away at his notepad.

Ash blinked as he regained focus. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

Sawyer's mouth formed a sly grin. "Well, normally at this time of day, you'd be complaining about not eating or how you haven't caught any Pokemon in a while." He then pointed the end of his pencil at the raven-haired boy. "Yet you haven't said one word this whole time that we've been walking."

Ash frowned and scoffed. Pikachu chuckled slightly at his master's stubbornness. Sawyer simply shook his head and went back to his paper. Ash leaned his head over to view Sawyer's notepad. On it were many equations, small sketches, and paragraphs with arrows and pen marks all over the place. "What is all this?" Ash asked.

"My battle notes." Sawyer replied casually.

"I beg your pardon? Battle notes?" Ash asked loudly.

Sawyer nodded sincerely. "Yeah. Anytime I participate in or spectate a match, I jot down notes that I can use later."

"Huh. Neat." Ash replied. He looked up and saw a group of students at what appeared to be some type of speech or presentation.

"What's that I wonder?" Ash said, pointing at the group, causing Sawyer to look up from his writings.

"Pika pi chu pika." Pikachu chirped, stretching it's stubby arm out in the same direction as Ash's.

Ash nodded. "Right, buddy. Let's go!" The three walked off in an attempt to join the crowd.

Upon arrival, the three were greeted to a sight of a woman in a white coat and blonde hair that curled itself around her whole body. Ash took notice of her green eyes, which he could have sworn seemed so familiar somehow.

"So, with that, please help spread the word and let everyone know to join in for the trip! First come, first serve!" The blonde lady cheered aloud before walking into the main building on campus, the university block.

Ash looked among the crowd before a certain brunette caught his eye. He walked over to her, Sawyer trailing behind.

"Lyra?" Ash asked, tapping the girl on the shoulder, causing her to jump. Lyra turned around, trying to not drop the stack of papers in her arms.

"Oh, hey Ash! It's been a while. Aww, and Pikachu too!"

Ash flashed her a bright smile. "It has. What was all this about?"

Lyra smiled back. "This was a very small class officer meeting. We had to meet up here to-"

"Wait, you're a class officer?!?" Ash cried.

Lyra simply giggled. "Yes, stupid. I am. Anyhow, President Lusamine wanted us here so we could pass out the fliers."

"Uh, president?" Ash asked.

Sawyer chuckled. "Miss Lusamine is the president of the college as well as president of the Aether Foundation."

"And speaking of Aether Foundation..." Lyra handed the two boys some of the papers from her stack. Ash looked over the top page.

Aether Foundation wants YOU to join us for a special free trip to Alola very soon. More details are included here.

"Wait, Alola?" Ash asked to no one in particular.

Sawyer nodded. "Yeah, it's this cool tropical region famous for it's vast ecosystems, rare exotic Pokemon, and great beaches."

"Someone's well informed here." Lyra laughed. "Hey, I'd love to catch up, but I gotta post these around campus. See you around, Ash!" The brunette hurried off.

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