Chapter 7

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"Alright, ready when you are!" Ash yelled across the battlefield.

"Okay, Grovyle, I choose you!" Sawyer yelled, hurling a Pokeball into the air. A green reptilian Pokemon emerged from the white light.

The two trainers were among the dozens who were battling. Kukui wanted everyone to have fun, and it seemed that this would be the regular way to spend class.

Ash smiled, remembering his own Grovyle, which was already a Sceptile. "Alright, Frogadier, I choose you!" Ash's Pokeball went flying through the air before opening, releasing a blue amphibious Pokemon with a collar of white foam.

Verity, who was standing on the side of the battlefield, stared in awe. She always had a fascination with Water Pokemon, and Frogadier appeared to be no exception.

"Go Ash!" The girl cried, hoping to learn something from the battle.

Ash smiled. "Alright, Frogadier, use Cut!" Frogadier lunged forward, creating a blade out of white energy as it charged toward Grovyle.

"Dodge and use Leaf Blade!" Sawyer cried. Grovyle crouched down, ducking underneath the attack. While Frogadier was still vulnerable, Grovyle raised its arms, which had a lime green glow to them, before striking Frogadier in the gut.

Frogadier stumbled backwards before regaining its balance. "Frogadier, Water Pulse!" The Water Pokemon charged up a ball of water in its hands before launching it at Grovyle, landing a direct hit.

"Use Bullet Seed!" Sawyer yelled. Grovyle leaped out of the smoke and spat out a barrage of seeds below it. Frogadier lept out of the way, carefully avoiding each projectile.

"Now, use Cut, one more time!" Ash cried. Frogadier circled around Grovyle and sprung into the air, creating a blade in its hand once more. Twirling in the air, it struck Grovyle atop the head, knocking it to the ground and scoring a KO.

"Oh no, Grovyle!" Sawyer cried out.

Ash cheered and high-fived Frogadier. Verity was jumping for joy on the sidelines; her Piplup was cheering as well.

Sawyer recalled his Grovyle and walked across the battlefield. He got to Ash and extended his hand. Ash shook it with a smile.

"Good stuff, man." Sawyer complimented.

"Thanks! You were great too, though." Ash replied.

Verity ran up to Ash excitedly, carrying Piplup in her arms. "Ash, that was great!" She squealed.

Sawyer looked up at Ash with a questioning look and a smirk. Ash furrowed his brow before turning away. "Oh, thanks Verity." Sawyer took this as his turn to leave.

"No problem, Ash!" The brunette said cheerfully, giving the boy a bright smile. "By the way, when will you start training me?"

Ash's eyes went wide as he remembered that he had promised to help train the girl. "Oh, uh... When would be good for you?"

"Whenever you can. I can make do with anything before my curfew." Verity answered with a shrug.

"Curfew?" Ash asked, raising his eyebrow.

Verity looked down at the tips of her shoes. "Yeah... My mother doesn't want me out past 10 PM" She said disappointingly.

"Ah, okay. Well, how about tomorrow morning at 9?" Ash asked, receiving a nod of approval from Verity.

So much for sleeping in, Ash thought to himself.


Lyra entered the classroom hesitantly. While the brunette was usually very outgoing, she had none of her friends around her at this time. And when Lyra was not around Serena or Dawn especially, she would become much more timid than usual.

Lyra looked around and saw a table that had three girls. She took a deep breath before hesitantly making her way to the table. She laid down her backpack and sat quietly as the other three girls simply stared at her.

The three girls already sitting at the table all had very different appearances. One girl had short black hair, blue eyes, a red hat resembling a flower, and a yellow floral shirt. To her right was a short girl dressed in all white with long blonde hair that reached past her shoulders. Lastly, a tall brunette with a black-and-white Pokeball visor was tapping away at her Pokegear. She wore a black sleeveless leather jacket over a ripped white tank top, as well as some ripped up jorts.

"Hi there!" The first girl said cheerfully. "What's your name?"

Lyra stuttered as she tried to say her name. "Oh, um, Lyra Krystal..." She managed to squeeze out.

"Well, my name is Moon Raye," she then gestured to the blonde, "this is Lillie Hope, and that is Rosa Bagley." She then pointed to the brunette across the table.

"Wait, your name is Moon? Like, as in the moon?" Lyra asked out of shock.

Rosa snickered and glanced up. "Honey, if you think that's weird, she has a crush on a kid named Sun."

Moon blushed and glared at Rosa. "I do not!"

Lillie smiled. "She's just afraid to admit that she really wants an eclipse..." The blonde began nudging Moon with her elbow.

"Cut it out! That's gross, Lillie!" Moon cried, slapping at the blonde's arm. Lyra let out a very small giggle.

"Oh, o-of course..." Lillie said, clearing her throat as she regained her composure.

Sorrel looked over at the table in disgust and rolled his eyes, focusing back to his book. At that time, a man in a forest green button-up walked in. He had spiky dark brown hair, and his eyes seemed to stay closed.

"Good morning, class. My name is Brock Steel, and I'll be your teacher for Pokemon health."

Lyra's jaw nearly hit the floor. What the heck? This is the same guy that went camping with us last year! She thought to herself. Since when is he a college professor?!?

The class went on for roughly an hour. Brock gave the basics of the class and went over the standards the students were required to learn. He dismissed everyone precisely at 11:30.

As the crowd scattered, Lyra approached the teacher. She cleared her throat, causing the young teacher to turn towards her.

"Um, Brock?" Lyra asked timidly. "Do you remember me?"

Brock gave Lyra a confused look, or at least what Lyra thought was a look, since she could not really see his eyes.

"Uh... Wait, were you on that camping trip with those high schoolers?" Brock said with the snap of his fingers. " Yeah, I do! Lauren, wasn't it? "

Lyra frowned. "Lyra, actually." She hated it when people called her the wrong name, as rare as it was.

"Lyra, right. Sorry. Well, cool, looks like you're in my class, huh?"

Lyra raised an eyebrow at the man. "Yeah, uh... Since when are you a teacher? Last year, you were some hippie at our campsite."

Brock laughed. "I got accepted for this position back in the winter. I moved down here and have stayed ever since."

Lyra gave him an awkward smile and checked her wristwatch. "Oh, shoot. I need to meet up with Misty. See you later, sir!" Lyra said, turning away and realizing how weird that all was.

As Lyra left the classroom, she took notice of a man dressed in all black turning the corner. She attempted to follow him, but when she reached the corner, the figure was nowhere to be seen.

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