Chapter 20

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AN: Hey guys, it's me. First off, I want to say thank you all for the support on this story and PHS. We recently reached more than 1K reads on PEC, which is so cool and I'm so thankful you guys have been enjoying it!

So, I wanted to give an update on when chapters come out and how this story will play out. School starts back for me next week, so we will go back to every other week for updates. This will begin after tis chapter, so you guys have to wait two weeks for Chapter 21. Not my fault I have to get an education and that I'm busy and fell behind in my writing, y'all.

Also, some people may have noticed this story is much longer than PHS. I want to make multiple arcs for the series. This is the first arc, so think of it like a season for a show, kind of. Not sure when the season will end, since I haven't planned that far into the future. The goal is to finish it around December (maybe, it just sorta popped into my head while I typed this out. Doubt it'll happen, but you never know). But really, I want this story to be longer so I can do more with these characters. Plus, it limits how many time skips I can really do.

That's all I got. Again, thanks so much, you guys! I'll get out of here so the characters can do their thing. Cool? Cool. Momentai~


Ash and Sawyer trotted along the dirt road surrounded by the tall palm trees. The tropical breeze blew across the hill as the roar of the ocean was heard in the distance.

"So what are we looking for?" Sawyer asked.

Ash shrugged. "Nothing in particular. I just want to have a look around."

Pikachu, who was riding on Ash's shoulder, turned his head toward the brush and perked his ears up. "Pi?"

Ash and Sawyer stopped and looked at the Mouse Pokemon. "Hey, what's up, buddy?" Ash asked. Pikachu pointed toward the nearby brush.

The two pushed away some of the leaves and peeked through. There, eating at a Pinap Berry, was a small brown Pokemon.

"Ruff! Ruff!" The Pokemon yelped, growling and baring its teeth to the trainers.

"Woah! What is that?" Ash asked, taking a few steps back frantically before falling down. The Pokemon leaped out of the foliage and continued barking.

Sawyer, who was still next to the Pokemon, pulled out his Pokegear and scanned through pictures of Alolan Pokemon before finding it. He clicked on the picture and read from the link. "Rockruff. The Puppy Pokemon. A Rock-type. They rub the rocks on their necks against people to show affection. They will become more aggressive as they get closer to evolution." Sawyer closed the app and jumped back to avoid a biting Rockruff at his ankles.

"Well, looks like it's a battle then!" Ash said as he picked himself up and adjusted his cap. "Noivern, I choose you!" Ash threw a Pokeball into the air. The ball opened, releasing a flash of light. From the light, a black and purple bat Pokemon popped out. The Pokemon had large ears at the top of it's head, large wings with claws on them, and a large tuft of fur around its neck.

"Noi!" The Flying-Dragon Pokemon screeched aloud as it entered the battle.

"Alright, Noivern, use Dragon Pulse!" Ash yelled. Noivern charged a bluish, purple flame in its mouth before launching the energy at the wild Rockruff. The wild Pokemon jumped out of the way and began charging after Noivern.

"Noivern, fly up!" Ash commanded. Noivern stretched its wings out and shot up into the air, surprising Rockruff. Ash smiled. "Now, use Boomburst!"

Noivern's ears began emitting a white glow before shooting a powerful sound wave out at Rockruff, landing a direct hit.

Ash swung his arm around energetically. "Alright, now, Aerial Ace!" Noivern performed a midair somersault before rushing towards the Rock-type, tackling it swiftly and knocking it onto the ground.

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