Chapter 13

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"Alright, Piplup, use Bubble Beam!" The Penguin Pokemon spat out a stream of bubbles from its mouth.

"Snivy, dodge it!" Ash yelled. Snivy jumped high into the air, launching itself over the attack.

"Now, Leaf Blade!" The leaves at the end of Snivy's tail began to glow brightly as the Grass Pokemon slammed its serpentine body into Piplup.

Verity looked on with a sense of worry. "Piplup, get up!" The Water Pokemon attempted to push itself up with it's flippers, but to no avail. Snivy continued to press itself onto Piplup's back.

"Alright, Snivy, Leaf Tornado!" Ash commanded. Following orders, Snivy began coiling its body, the Leaf Blade still pressing into Piplup. Suddenly, Snivy unwound itself, causing a violent whirlwind to blow leaves all across the battlefield.

A large dust cloud arose from the wind. Once the dust cleared, Snivy was seen cleaning itself off, while Piplup was sprawled out across the ground, unconscious.

"Piplup, no!" Verity ran over to Piplup and cradled it. She looked up and saw Ash breathing surprisingly heavy.

Verity walked over to Ash and recalled Piplup. "Well, you sure are worked up about something."

Ash simply glared at her. "I have no idea what you're talking about." The raven-haired trainer then recalled his Snivy.

"Ash, that was violent and dangerous. Cool to watch, but still very violent." Verity explained. "This is supposed to be training for me. You can't let me be some punching bag for you to relieve your stress on."

Ash sighed. "Sorry, I've just been really stressed and frustrated lately."

Verity looked at Ash with slight curiosity. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I dunno... It's kinda complicated." Ash said, digging his foot into the dirt.

Verity gave him a smile. "Trust me, I've been through a lot in my life. I'll understand it, I promise."

Ash was stunned. He sighed once more and shrugged. "Fine. Basically, I-"

Ash was cut off by a loud growl. He looked at Verity, who was holding her stomach. The brunette sweatdropped and giggled. "Sorry, I haven't had breakfast today. Can we talk about it over some food?"

Ash laughed. "Sure thing. Cafeteria?"

Verity nodded energetically before skipping along with the fellow trainer toward the cafeteria.


May sat in the cafe, staring intently into her cup of coffee. She was still thinking about everything that had happened with Drew. She saw her reflection in the brown liquid, thinking over her now-ex's words.

You're nothing but a whiny little kid who cries when she doesn't get her way.

She had to do her best to hold back tears.

She was not whiny. She was not some little kid. She was not going to cry. But she also wasn't getting her way, either.

May's body was starting to shake lightly. The pain was unbearable. All she wanted was for Drew to be back and take her into his arms and hold her and love her and-


May jumped up, regaining focus. "Huh?"

"Hello?" Lyra asked, standing across the table. "Anyone home?"

May chuckled. "Kind of. Thanks for coming, Lyra."

Lyra pulled her chair out and took a seat. "Of course. I know you're going through a lot right now."

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