Camilla x Hinoka

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  A/N: This was requested by WesNightshade,sorry I didn't get to it sooner but I had plans for it. I hope you like it. This is obviously yuri(girl x girl), if you don't like it then you can read my previous one shots or calmly wait for the next one. 

It was a cold February morning when the eldest princess of Hoshido, Hinoka, woke up and began her daily routine. She would wake up at sunrise and check with her pegasus, feed her and give her water and continue to the armory where she would help Subaki make sure each weapon was in it's correct place and in good conditions. She would then move to the mess hall to eat with her siblings and the Norhian siblings before excusing herself to train around 10:00 am. After training Hinoka would meet up with her younger brother Corrin to give any advise he needed for the next battle and to spend some lost time together. Her day was always busy as a princess and warrior yet she always made sometime for her family. She doesn't know when she began to spare some time for the oldest Norhian princess, Camilla, though. But she wouldn't complain, the malig knight was a powerful and caring woman not to mention beautiful and a bit overprotective. She would get furious and destroy any enemies that hurt her family and recently she became protective of Hinoka. Hinoka won't deny that it makes her blush when Camilla searches her for injuries and care for her, Hinoka even began to learn sowing to impress the princess but she isn't the most proficient. Maybe she should ask Oboro for tips, she is basically an expert on clothing and sewing. 

  It was during the evening that Hinoka bumped into her younger sister Sakura who looked anxious about something. 

"Oh big sister I was looking for you." Sakura smiled at me with a bit of nervousness. 
"What's wrong, Sakura?" Hinoka asked worried. 'Is there a problem? Did something happen?' Hinoka thought frantically.
"Are you... well are-are you going to give anybody...chocolates this year?" Sakura finally spoke out albeit quietly and with a prominent blush spreading faster and faster on her face.
"What?...Ah! You mean Valentine's day! I forgot that's in a few days I had something planed and everything! How could I forget." Hinoka realized and was instantly ashamed of her self. How could she forget she planed to make the one person in the army she had any romantic feelings for chocolate?
"So you are giving somebody chocolate? Who? How are you going to make it?" Sakura, now really interested curiously asked. 
"It's none of your business who I'm interested in. Hmph but why do you want to know how to make it?" Hinoka crosses her arms while trying to force down the blush that is most likely as bright as her hair and remains silent while contemplating the question and seeing her sister shift uncomfortably under her gaze. With a shocked gasp and a happy smile Hinoka exclaims "You want to make somebody chocolate?! That so sweet of you, Sakura. Who is it? Come on you can tell your big sister, right?"
"But you won't tell me who you like! I'll tell you if you tell me." Sakura bargained and as much as it embarrassed, Hinoka, she complied.
"Fine at the count of three we say it alright."

  Taking in a deep breath and preparing herself for the incoming questioning her sister was most likely going to bombard her with she began to count.

"Camilla." Hinoka said. 
"Saizo" Sakura said.

  They both looked at each other baffled at their love interest before bursting out laughing.

"Of course! Sweet and shy Sakura just had to fall for the hot tempered ninja." Hinoka exclaimed astonished her sister even liked a guy like that, let alone love.
"You're judging me? You're the one who like a woman who just a few months ago was happy to kill us." Sakura was reduced to a blushing, giggling girl at the irony that two former enemies might actually fall in love.
"Tell me about it. But she's actually really sweet and caring and beautiful. I just hope she gives me a chance. But I heard that Saizo avoids sweets like the plague so how are you planning on making him anything?" Hinoka questioned her sister after wiping the dreamy look from her face.
"I need help understanding how to use the kitchen tools correctly but I have an idea of what I'm going to do. Besides Saizo isn't as mean as everybody says he is. He is really dedicated and loyal to not only big brother but the rest of us and he can be really cute sometimes." It was clear that both princesses were infatuated but they both had seen the best in these seemingly inapproachable people. 
"I'll do anything I can to help you, Sakura, but don't tell the others about Camilla yet. I want to surprise them if it goes well."
"Don't worry big sister I won't tell anybody until after Valentine's day."
"Thanks, Sakura."

  They both headed towards the mess hall to eat dinner with the rest of their siblings and afterwards talked to Subaki who was currently in charge of cooking duty. He was happy to allow them to work in the kitchen but they had to promise to clean after themselves. Swearing they would not make a mess of the freshly washed kitchen they waited until Subaki left satisfied before beginning to work. Hinoka wasn't the best cook but she was getting better and while Sakura's chocolate kept being sweet it was also improving. They worked almost until midnight before they had to leave exhausted and with wounded hands. Baking was complicated but they still had three days to perfect it. The next day was spent doing the same thing, usual daily routine and then during the night Hinoka and Sakura would work towards improving their chocolate making skills. It was like this for the next two days but on the night of the third day Camilla was the one in charge of kitchen duty and Hinoka didn't dare to go near her at the moment. Instead she waited until Sakura insisted that Camilla had to leave her alone to work and while reluctant she complied. Now finally alone with her little sister, Hinoka could get to work on her final batch, she didn't have much time but luckily managed to get them done in time. Sakura too was tired after finishing but they were both happy and hopeful for the next day.

  The next morning Hinoka went over to her siblings and gave them their own chocolate to show she appreciates and loves them, she also wished Sakura good luck with her man before she set out in search for Camilla. As she wandered around camp she could spot the Hoshidan women giving chocolates to their friends and lovers while the Norhians gave gifts to each other too. Unlike in Hoshido, men and women exchange gifts at the same time instead of the women first. Oboro was searching for Takumi and Kaze had his arms full of sweets not only that but Hinoka even managed to see Azura give something to Lazlow of all people. It seemed like everybody was receiving something today. Finally spotting Camilla who was carrying a small box neatly tied with a purple ribbon Hinoka makes her way over. She's a fearless warrior who has faced countless evils, she would not be intimidated by the purple haired princess' beauty...What if she doesn't like it? What if she doesn't like her? Okay so she was a little scared  but the Norhian princess was intimidating even outside the battlefield so you can't blame Hinoka.

"Ah Hinoka, just the lady I wanted to see."
"I could say the same to you, Camilla. I have something for you. It's a- a gift to show my affections...I like you Camilla and I tried really hard to make these just to show how serious I am about you." Hinoka presents the chocolates she painstakingly prepared the night before. They weren't the prettiest but you could really see the effort she put into them.
"Oh darling, you're so cute... I also have something for you. I couldn't make chocolates but I hope this is enough." Opening the box Hinoka could see a scarf much like the one she wears with her Sky knight uniform but much more intricate and beautiful. Not meant to be worn in battle but casually when relaxing. 
"Camilla, it's beautiful. Did you make this?" Hinoka asked amazed at the craftsmanship and effort the other woman had to put into it.
"It wasn't as hard as it looks. Sewing is second nature to me after all, but if I had more time I would have made you a dress. I hope this shows that I love you too." Camilla spoke softly as she pushed away Hinoka's red bangs.
" love me... Is this really true? You aren't messing with me, are you?" Hinoka asked not believing her luck. 'She actually loves me?!' She thought excitedly.
"Do I look like the type to kid about such things?"Camilla replied while crossing her arms seriously.
"Oh my. I think my heart just fluttered! I love you too, Camilla. I can't believe you feel the same w-Mmph!" Hinoka was silenced by Camilla's lips on her own. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before they parted and a blushing Hinoka replied.
", Camilla...that must be the best kiss I've ever had. Not that I've had many."
"Only the best for you, my darling Hinoka. My sweet, dashing princess... and Hinoka, happy valentines day." Camilla said adoringly as she closed in for another kiss.
"Happy valentines day, Camilla." Hinoka said softly before their lips met once more in a passionate kiss.

A/N: This was actually fun to write. It's the first time I've written yuri and while not my favorite I don't mind. Girls are weird for me. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed and have a Happy Valentines day.

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