Grima x Reader

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A/N: Time to give some love to the underappreciated dragon of death and despair, Grima. Some events aren't accurate to the game but I tried to keep it as canon as I could.

   The fell dragon had won. As the shepherds evacuated the dragon's table separated from their lord Chrom and their tactician Robin they knew they had lost. The ground was shaking and a beastly roar could be heard from deep in the dragon's table as a purple and black aura began to form along the structure. The ceiling began to crumble and a massive six eyed dragon with six equally enormous feathered wings emerged roaring with all his might to tell the world he's back. The shepherds had to retreat and regroup before they dared faced the dragon that swore destruction to their world. If the dragon was resurrected then their leader must have died in battle and while they were all stricken with grief, Lissa especially, they all knew they could not dwell on his death and instead focus on restoring peace and destroying the fell dragon. Their efforts while valiant were proven futile in the end as every last one of the shepherds were killed and the peoples resolve and fighting spirit died with them. Yet a heroine rose up among the people, the princess of Ylisse and daughter of Chrom, Lucina. She led the remaining forces and rallied their strengths yet still couldn't defeat the powerful beast and when she thought all hope was lost Naga spoke up at last.

"Child, the fellblooded tactician has surrendered control to Grima. He has regained his full strength and while you're efforts may be brave, they are in vain. There is nothing you can do to save this time but do not fret. I can send you and you're allies to a time before the fell dragon was awoken to prevent this future from repeating once more." The soothing voice of Naga could be heard in Lucina's mind clearly.
"Naga, how are you going to do such a thing?"
"You must venture to Mount Prism where I shall use my power to send you back in time using the outrealm gate." Naga instructed and like the well trained soldier that she was Lucina did as instructed and along with the other Shepherd children traveled to the past, to a time before Grima rained death to the land and it's people.

   But unbeknownst to the children a dark presence followed them in to the outrealms. The risen came after them but a much stronger being laid in hiding. The fell dragon himself had taken control of his vessels body, what once was a friendly and joyous tactician was now merely a puppet for the dark dragon's control. And as Lucina helped her father win the war against the Mad King, Gangrel. Grima was in Plegia with Validar setting everything up for the resurrection of the fell dragon that belonged to this world.

Your POV ~present time~

   Word had spread across the lands of both Ylisse and Plegia of King Gangrel's death and everybody was in an uproar. They speak of the way Gangrel took the previous Exalt captive and her sacrifice to protect the Fire Emblem, they spread rumors of who will take the throne now that Gangrel is dead and some talk of the new Exalt and his marriage after the fighting was over. Exalt Chrom apparently married a woman from Regna Ferox but not much has been heard around here. Now two years later our new king sent an announcement but I didn't bother to see what it was. I'm a plegian you see and while originally I was a sorceress fighting the Halidom of Ylisse during the war I retired and now live a semi peaceful life in the desert's outskirts brewing up tonics and potions for the village folk and conjuring spells and hexes for the right price.

   The villagefolk were scrambling around but I didn't know why. Is something special happening today? Deciding to check it out I tap a man on the shoulder and ask him what's going on.

"You didn't hear? The Exalt is going to pass through here later. Everybody want's to see the man who defeated the mad king." He answers in excitement as he moves among the crowd to get a good spot to see the Ylissean Exalt.

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