2.) Interviews and other hardships

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"Progress is dancing to the same song you used to cry to"



Cassia's POV


She had done this a million times. Smile, listen, nod your head, "yes, Sir", smile again.

For every job offer Cassia got, she had been turned down at least three times as often. After a while she had gotten used to rejection. Used to just shrugging it off and looking for something else.

But Cassia wasn't going to go down without a fight. She put all her energy into getting the job this time, even if it was just working at a shabby, little movie theatre.

Mr. Densil seemed rather bored as he strolled around the theatre showing her around. He had quickly glanced over her application and grades earlier when she was sat in his office and decided that he was going to give her a chance.

"Here's your uniform, I'll have a name tag made for you by tomorrow, Miss.. what was it again?"

"Cassia, Sir"

"Right. Seems like you'll do just fine. I want you here by two in the afternoon tomorrow. You won't be alone though, don't worry. I'll have someone explain everything to you again tomorrow, teach you how to use all the machines and help you, wherever you might need it. After that though, you'll be alone most of the time, except for weekends. We have a lot of business on weekends but on normal weekdays things should be managable for you." he spoke and half-smiled at Cassia.

"Understood. Thank you again for your time, Sir. I won't dissapoint you."

"Good" Mr. Densil checked his watch every two minutes or so and seemed to have lost all interest in the girl who brightly smiled at him and listened to his every word.

"We're done. See you soon, Casey" he mumbled and with a quick nod and handshake he left.

"Casey" Cassia mumbled on her way home. "How original"

She decided to buy some groceries on the way back to the apartment. She also got some snacks for college and some of Jin's favourites. Of course always comparing prices and looking for stuff on sale. Being a college student on a budget really wasn't all too much fun.

The soft buzzing of her cellphone caught her focus away from the mozarella sticks she had been eyeing.

She quickly checked who was calling before picking up. Kookie🐰.

"Heyaa" Cassia smiled as she read her brother's name.

"Hey, Cassie" Jungkook said, sounding somewhat off. "Are you busy?"

"Ehh, sorta. Why, what's up?"

"I was kinda hoping I could stay at your place for the weekend or even longer"

"What? Why would you fly out to New York now? What happened? Is it mum, again?" worry was clearly evident in Cassia's voice as she waited for her brother to reply.

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