No Short Jokes!

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Three days after the events in the lab of the mad scientist, life had returned to normal. Everyone had decided that the laser had had no lasting effects, and the egos were still under the assumption that it had been meant to help them. Mark woke that morning and stretched, yawning, before he climbed out of bed. After his shower he got dressed and tugged gently at the shirt he had put on, noticing it seemed a little big on him. He shifted his pants, noticing they were a little loose too. He smiled, proud of losing more weight and headed down to the kitchen. As he opened the cupboard, he noticed that he had to stretch on tip toes to grab a mug, on a shelf he usually would have been able to reach just fine. It was a little odd, but he shook it off, assuming he was just tired and imagining things. He sat down with a cup of coffee and about an hour later, he heard a knock at the door and went to get it. Glancing around, he couldn't help but feel like the house seemed bigger than usual. He was still looking around, trying to figure out what was different, as he opened the door.

"Mark!" Amy shrieked. "What happened?"

Turning, Mark glanced up at Amy and for the first time really registered that something was very wrong. "Did... did you get taller?" He rose an eyebrow.

"No! It's you!" Amy cried out. "You've lost over a foot!"

Mark shifted, glancing down at his baggy clothes and looked back up at Amy, wide eyed. "I... shrunk?" Amy just stared at him, and he stepped back motioning her in as he looked down at himself. Suddenly Amy screamed and Mark looked up at her. "What?"

"Not shrunk!" She squealed. "Shrinking! I just saw it! You just got smaller!"

"Smaller?" Mark frowned, shifting from foot to foot. "I don't want to get smaller! Four foot nine is a joke! It's a joke!"

"You're under that now!" Amy's eyes were wide. "You have to be! What's happening?!"

Mark looked around, noticing that the house definitely looked larger. "I... I don't know. I don't know what's..." His breathing quickened and he looked at Amy, eyes wide. "I'm scared."

"Yeah." Amy nodded, a little in shock. "I am too!"

Finally it hit him and Mark gasped. "The laser! It... it has to be the laser! What else could it be?"

"I'll call that guy!" Amy whimpered and ran to the kitchen to find the number and make the call. As she made her way back to the hall, Amy sighed. "He said that effects can take time, but he doesn't know why you're-" She stopped dead, staring at the pile of clothes in the middle of the floor. "Mark?" She asked hesitantly. "Mark?!" She screamed, terrified of not getting an answer.

Hearing a faint mumbling, she crouched down, then got on her hands and knees. A tiny head popped up in the middle of the shirt, clutching the sea of fabric and holding it around himself. "Amy!" He cried out as loud as his youtuber lungs would let him.

Amy swallowed hard, staring in disbelief at the five inch tall man addressing her. "M-Mark?"

"It happened fast!" He screamed in response.

Amy nodded a little. "Are you still... shrinking?" She whimpered.

Mark shook his head. "I don't think so!"

Hesitantly, Amy scooped the shirt up, catching Mark up in the middle, and stood, pulling the shirt close to her face. "I'm... this is a nightmare, right?"

Mark sighed, glancing around. "I wish it were."

"It's strange... your voice being so high pitched." Amy pointed out.

Mark tilted his head. "It sounds fine to me! I guess it's different for you!" He shouted.

Amy groaned. "This is too weird."

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