No Liquids Over 3oz, or Tiny People

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Signe woke in the morning and smiled at Sean, still asleep on top of a folded blanket on the nightstand. The corner was folded up and wrapped around him, with his leg sticking out the side. At least he was still Sean. She crawled out of bed and got dressed, before making sure her bag was in order, and she had packed some of Sean's things for when he returned to normal size. Making her way out to the kitchen, she smiled at Robin, leaned against the counter as he sipped a cup of coffee. "Good morning." She greeted him.

"Morning. I made coffee, I hope that's alright." Robin smiled sweetly.

"Of course. I could really use some." Signe grinned, pouring herself a cup and leaned against the counter next to him.

Robin glanced over at the table where most of the tiny alters were lined up, asleep on a pillow they had laid out on the table, with a little throw draped over it, for them to sleep under. Dr. Schneeplestein was asleep alone, beside the pillow with no blankets, even though Signe and Robin both thought he'd been on the pillow when they had gone to bed the night before. Anti was pacing circles around the edge of the table, and Robin leaned towards Signe. "Anti was already awake when I came out here. He was up when we went to bed last night too..."

"Anti, did you sleep?" Signe asked softly.

Anti stopped pacing and turned to glare at them. "Sleep is for the weak!" He shouted, glitching erratically before he turned back to his pacing.

"So he didn't then." Signe mumbled, glancing at Robin. "Grumpy Anti, just what we needed..."

"I never sleep!" Anti screeched. "I've never slept in my whole fuckin' life. HE claims he doesn't sleep. HE lies!"

Signe tilted her head. "It's more of an exaggeration."

Anti stopped pacing again and watched her. "How does it feel to lay in bed at night with a liar?"

"He's a great man. So pretty good." Signe smiled.

Rolling his eyes, Anti returned to pacing. "Fuckin' puppets."

Robin sighed softly, smiling at Signe. "Well at least we know why Anti's always grumpy." He teased, sipping his coffee, and Signe nodded, smiling.

After a few minutes, Signe returned to the bedroom and gently woke Sean. "Morning." She smiled, as he sat up and stretched out his arms. She sat on the edge of the bed and gently stroked her fingertip down his back. "We have to go soon."

Sean nodded sleepily, yawning as he looked up at her. Then he turned, glancing around. "Spiderman?"

Smiling, Signe took the Spiderman suit from beside his blanket bed, and laid it on top. "Here." Nodding, Sean pulled it on and then climbed into Signe's hand as she held it out. She tucked him close against her body as she carried him into the kitchen. "Robin made coffee." Sean cupped his hands together and held them out. "I'm not just pouring coffee into your hands." Signe laughed.

Sean pouted up at her. "All the cups are too big." He held his hands up a little higher. "I want coffee..."

"I'll think of something." Signe promised, sitting him on the counter. She looked around the kitchen, trying to figure out how to give him some coffee.

Robin smiled down at him, waving a little. "This is still weird."

Sean stretched again, nodding. "Very weird. Don't worry. Being ten centimeters tall hasn't started feeling normal yet." He chuckled.

Signe held out a cap she'd taken from a juice bottle in the fridge, and filled with coffee. "Oh, Woosh! You're the best!" Sean grinned, happily taking the cap with both hands and sipped at the coffee. "Mm... that's some good dirty beans!"

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