And Back To You...

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When Mark's phone started to ring, Amy tugged it out of her pocket and tossed it into the back seat. "Can you check that?" She called.

Tyler leaned over, glancing at the screen. "It's long distance from..."

"That's Sean!" Mark shouted. "Grab it!"

Nodding, Tyler scooped up the phone and answered it. "Hello?"

There was a pause on the other end before Signe responded. "Hi..."

"It's Tyler." Tyler answered, realizing she wasn't sure who she was talking to.

Signe shifted, still rather confused and Sean waved, motioning her to bring the phone closer to him. Already having it on speaker phone, she held it down to him. "Tyler? Hey man! It's Sean. Is Mark there?"

"Yeah, here." Tyler switched the phone to speaker mode and held it out to Mark.

"Sean?" Mark got up, placing his hands on the sides of the phone, even though Tyler continued to support its weight. "Good to hear from you. How are things going on your end?"

"Great!" Sean grinned, then sighed. "Well... good, anyway. I've got all of mine gathered together, but some of them are getting a bit feisty." He bit his lip, glancing up at Signe who grinned and nodded in agreement.

Mark groaned. "I know what you mean."

"We can hear ya, ya dipshit!" Ed Edgar called from inside the box.

It was followed by the heavily echoed voice of Darkiplier. "I do imagine he was referring to the arrival of Will and I, as Jack was likely referencing Anti."

Mark turned, walking to the edge of Tyler's hand. "Shut up! I'm on the damn phone!" He called, before walking back and placing his hands on the sides of the phone again. "Sorry Sean. So... what's your plan moving forward?"

"Uh..." Sean glanced up at Signe, sighing. "We were gonna come there. I thought we were gonna figure this out together. Is that... does that work?" He asked, Signe giving him an encouraging nod.

"Yeah, that sounds good. It's gonna be..." Mark glanced back towards the box. "Chaotic... at my place. But at least they're all small now."

"Smol damage." Sean chuckled, shaking his head.

Mark sighed, not able to stop himself from laughing slightly. "When do you think you'll get here?"

Sean glanced up at Signe, shrugging. "We haven't booked our flight yet. Signe and Robin are coming, by the way... look, we'll get it booked and I'll text you. We're going to try to get something for tonight or tomorrow morning?" He half asked, the question more directed to Signe, who shrugged and nodded a little.

"Sounds good, buddy!" Mark smiled, nodding. "See you when you land."

"As long as I'm still in one piece." Sean smiled.

"Ah, yeah. Me too I guess." Mark chuckled. "Bye."

"Later!" Sean gave a nod to Signe, who hung up the phone. "Okay... now to get a flight. At least we only need seats for you and Robin."

Signe nodded slightly, sighing. "How are we going to get you through airport security?"

"Uh... oh..." Sean nodded. "That's... a problem. You know what, we'll figure it out after. Let's get those tickets." Shrugging, Signe carried him back into the kitchen to check on the others.

Meanwhile, Tyler hung up the phone and shifted, awkwardly shoving it in his pocket as he tried to be mindful of Mark in his other hand. "So... full house then?"

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