The Silent Knight

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"Vhat if Jameson is not home?" Dr. Schneeplestein asked, tilting his head.

Chase nodded. "He's the one I'm worried about, dudes. He can't even scream, bro! What if someone steps on him?"

The purse bounced slightly and Dr. Schneeplestein groaned and coughed, grabbing hold of the lipstick tube. Sean sighed, watching him. "If you're going to get sick, at least take the cap off that and get sick in there." He mumbled, adding on a very quiet, "Sorry Signe.", which was mostly to himself.

"I vill not get zick. I vill not allow it." Dr. Schneeplestein growled.

Marvin tilted his head. "I'm not sure that's how it works."

Schneep nodded slightly, hugging the lipstick tube tighter. "Trust me. I am a doctah."

Chase shrugged. "He's got a point, bro."

"Just because he saved your life once or twice, doesn't mean he knows everything. I'm not even sure he went to schoo-" Marvin began, but was cut off.

"I am a doctah!" Schneeplestein screamed.

Sean groaned. "Stop agitating him. You'll make him sicker."

Hearing Schneeplestein's scream, Signe had paused and opened the bag, lifting it up. "Are you guys okay?"

"Just shootin' the shit!" Sean called. "Keep going, sweetie!"

Dr. Schneeplestein shook his head, but Signe sighed, gently lowering the bag to her side again and continued forward, hoping they weren't at each others throats in there.

Jameson Jackson had been dancing around in his bedroom when the shrinking had began. He didn't notice until he had started tripping over his own pant legs. Understanding that something was wrong, he had sat down on the bed and simply waited. A man that had been pulled out of the past, destined to exist in a mute state of black and white, was no stranger to odd happenings. He playfully kicked his feet, as he noticed the room growing around him.

When the process ended, Jameson climbed out of his pile of clothes and glanced around the room with his mouth open wide. Then he grinned, wiggling his shoulders a little as he noticed he could still hear the music. Looking down he clasped his hands over his face, realizing that he'd shrunk right out of his clothes. How scandalous! Glancing around, he noted that he was alone in his own home and perhaps it wasn't that bad. Just to be safe, he picked up his bow tie and tied it around his waist, making sure his more sensitive bits were covered. Content with that, he went on about his business, happily dancing his away across his bed.

Signe gently tried the doorknob before opening her purse. "Do we have a key for his apartment?" She asked quietly.

"No..." Sean sighed.

"We can just fit under the door, dudes!" Chase exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Signe gently set her bag on the floor and Dr. Schneeplstein let out a relieved sigh. Chase quickly pulled himself up and slid down the side of the bag. "See? Look!" He ran at the door, dropping down into a sliding position, his leg fitting under the door before his slide stopped. "Dude..." He grunted, laying down and grabbed the door, sliding himself under it. "See?!" He called from inside.

Marvin carefully climbed his way out of the bag, followed by Sean. "Coming doctah?" He called as he and Marvin followed Chase under the door.

With a groan, Dr. Schneeplestein crawled out of the bag. "I am a doctah. I should not haf to do zese zings." He muttered, mostly to himself as he crawled under, after them.

Signe watched them, chewing her lip nervously as she hoped they would be careful. Sean glanced back at the door. "We have to get it open. We need Signe's help. Just walking around the house looking for him on our own will take fuckin' hours."

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