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3rd Person POV

All seven of them follow Aihya to the room. They walk in silence. All of their minds are racing with questions... but when should they ask?

They make it to the room and settle in.

Aihya stands at the front, behind her is a screen.

"Before I start explaining everything, I should probably explain myself first." she says.

"I am Aihya Kawo, the SHSL Matchmaker. I was a student of Hope's Peak Academy, but I was able to escape before being caught for a killing game."

Expressions of confusion spread across their faces.

"You guys know how the games were being broadcasted right? I saw them and well... I was so sick of it so I tried putting a stop to it. But the people working on it, they're too powerful. So I found a way to fake deaths. I saved a few people thought to be dead, and took in the survivors."

"Why... why didn't you save all of them..?" Kaede asked, looking down.

"Some deaths... were impossible to fake. Like Rantaro and Angie's, the killer was right in front of them so it would be impossible to do my act without them seeing," Aihya says, "I saved you four because it was easier to do. With Kaede and Kaito, you guys were all watching them, so it was a bit difficult. But because you two, Shuichi and Maki, loved them, that made the impossible possible."

"Cuz you see, my ultimate talent goes along with that."

*beep beep*

"Oh shit, I gotta go. You guys can read these on your own, they tell you most of what you need to know." Aihya hands Kaede a pile of papers and leaves the room.

They sit in silence while Kaede shuffles through the papers.

She starts to read through the headings, "These are files on how each of us were saved... and everything about the 53rd killing game..."

Kaede starts to read off each section.

Kaede was saved right before she was smashed underneath the piano. She was still living and breathing, even through her being strangled. Aihya threw a huge fake blood bag in place of Kaede to make it look like Kaede died.

For Tenko, Aihya snuck under the floorboards and replaced her with a replica. A really realistic one.

Kokichi, she replaced him with a blood bag while Kaito looked away.

And lastly, during Kaito's execution, she sorta kinda magically followed the ship and replaced him with a lifelike replica. Cured his sickness with medicine.

"That sounds... heavily unrealistic." Maki states.

"You're right..." Kaede awkwardly smiles.

"But uh... if Aihya said she focused on saving those the survivors cared about the most... why was Kokichi saved..?" Shuichi asks.

Kaede rereads Kokichi's file.

"Kokichi.. he deserved a second chance. It would've... broke my heart to see him die... knowing no one loved him. He tried his best to end the killing game, but no one understood."

Kokichi perked up.

"Kokichi.. is that true..?" Himiko mumbles.

He turns away.

"He's actually silent." Maki says in shock.

"It... must be true then." Shuichi trails off.

The door opens.

"Did you guys read everything?" Aihya steps in.

They nod.

"Well, you guys should probably get some rest now, you've been on a long journey. Kaede, Kaito, and Tenko can show you three the rooms. They're shared for two each, but if you don't want to share, you won't get a room but a small bed, as you've seen when you entered."

Aihya leads us out then goes on her own.

Tenko takes Himiko with her to share a room.

Kokichi takes a single bed.

"Well Shuichi, do you wanna share a room with me?" Kaito asks.

"Uhh sure i guess, I thought you'd want to share with Maki though." Shuichi responds.

Maki blushes and turns away.

Kaito also blushes and says, "W-well it would be improper to sleep with a girl just when you've started dating. Plus I don't think you'd survive the night... ya know... sleeping next to Kaede."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Kaede turns red.

Shuichi hides behind his invisible hat.

"Let's go, Kaede." Maki pulls Kaede with her to an unoccupied room.

"Bro! Why'd you do that!?" Shuichi lightly punches Kaito's arm when they get in their room.

"You like her, right? You love Kaede?" Kaito asks with a semi-serious face.

"No... I mean yes.. I mean..." Shuichi trails off, "I... just found out Kaede, someone who I thought had died... was alive... You'd expect me to start dating her this fast? Plus she probably doesn't like me back.."

"Bro, don't say that."

"It's probably true."



from here on out, things will start to ease a bit

it'll be more of a fun, ship book.

but later on, maybe there'll be a real plotline. maybe

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