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A gentle wind rustled the blades of grass in the field that surrounded the cats. The pair sat still on the top of a small rise, staring out at the open territory beneath their paws, the territory that they would have to make into a home.

Tiny stars twinkled up above, and the pale brown tabby stared up at them. Her warrior ancestors were up there somewhere. Were they looking down on her with pride, or scoffing at her foolishness? She shoved her worries aside. She was there in the field, with her mate, and she was ready for the rest of her life, whatever it would bring.

"Do you want to stop here?" The black cat asked his companion.

"If you want," the pale brown tabby meowed. She curled up in the grass and wrapped her tail around her nose.

The tom stretched out at his mate's side. "Leafpool?"


"I'd guess you are questioning our decision?"

"Actually no, not really. StarClan told me I could choose my own path, and I have. I'll miss my friends and family, and I'll miss being a medicine cat, but this is where my heart leads me. It leads me to you."

"You chose us?"

"Yes, Crowfeather. I chose us."

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