Chapter 21

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"Leafpool, we can't just let these kits go," Crowfeather meowed.

Leafpool glanced around at the camp that she had once called home, pondering. The camp was nearly empty. The only cats there were Whitewing, Birchfall, Spiderleg, some apprentices, and, of course, the queens and elders. The camp seemed empty and sad.

It was just then that a patrol came sauntering into camp, laden with fresh-kill. Sandstorm was in the lead, followed by Cloudtail and Cinderpaw.

Sandstorm set down her prey, turning to Spiderleg. "Did you take my apprentice battle training?"

"Of course," Spiderleg nodded. "Every apprentice did well."

Cinderpaw bounded up to the other apprentices. "I caught a massive crow!" She exclaimed. Then, she saw the kits. "Who are they?" She asked.

The other apprentices began to explain, while Sandstorm switched focus. "Leafpool?" She looked at her daughter in disbelief. "Leafpool, it's you!"

Leafpool spun around. "Mom!"

"I've missed you so much!" she exclaimed, licking her daughter on the head.

Leafpool purred, not even minding that her mother was treating her a bit like a kit.

Sandstorm pulled away. "Where have you been? First you, then Squirrelflight! At least she came back to the clan."

Taking a step back, Leafpool meowed, "I was following my heart, like StarClan told me."

"StarClan told you to walk away from everything that you knew and loved? StarClan told you to break our hearts? To leave in the dead of night without warning? That's what StarClan said?"

Crowfeather stepped between the quarreling she-cats. "Leafpool, we have matters to discuss. Don't let your mother's words sting. She's just shocked, that's all."

Leafpool took a deep breath, dipped her head to her mother, and then followed Crowfeather away, towards the side of the hollow.

Sorry, mom.

"Listen, Leafpool. We can't let these kits leave us. They spent their whole lives with us, and it will be hard for them to survive in such a different environment."

"I agree, it will take some getting used to, especially for Hollykit. And I know how hard it was for you when Feathertail died. However, StarClan told me to follow my heart, and go with you. Hollykit says that her heart tells her to live in ThunderClan. The kits have family here. Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, and my parents. They will be loved and taken care of."

Crowfeather glanced at his mate reluctantly, taking a moment to think. "Alright, but only if we can visit them at any time."

"Agreed," Leafpool meowed.

The pair touched noses and padded back towards their kits. "You can stay," Leafpool announced. She licked each kit on the top of the head.

"We'll be back in a few sunrises for your apprentice ceremony," Crowfeather meowed, touching noses with every kit.

"This will be so much fun!" Honeypaw exclaimed. She already seemed like she had made friends with Hollykit.

"Thanks," Hollykit purred.

Lionkit, for once, was speechless, bouncing up and down on his paws.

Jaykit touched noses with his mother. "I'll miss you."

"Goodbye, kits," Leafpool breathed. "I love you so much."

Cinderpelt trotted into camp, jaws filled with herbs. Her mouth dropped open when she saw Leafpool, and the herbs fell to the ground. "Leafpool?"

Leafpool purred, greeting her mentor happily. "It's been so long!"

"I've missed you! Badgers attacked, and I almost died, but Brightheart saved me. Sootfur actually did die. We've made many new apprentices and warriors. You've missed so much!" Cinderpelt meowed.

Brackenfur, Squirrelflight, and Brightheart padded into camp, followed by Firestar and Brambleclaw. Leafpool was surrounded by cats and commotion that she could barely comprehend. It resulted in Firestar inviting Leafpool and Crowfeather to stay and share the plentiful Greenleaf prey with them.

Leafpool spent the afternoon with her Clanmates, and her heart ached when the time came for goodbyes. Squirrelflight walked with Leafpool and Crowfeather to the border, and stood watching until she could no longer see her sister's brown pelt.

"You have great Clanmates. They're all so kind and supportive," Crowfeather meowed, brushing against his mate.

"Are you going to bring up the Clan thing again?" Leafpool asked. Since the first time Crowfeather had mentioned it, the pair had had many long discussions about making a Clan. Leafpool had the slightest idea of a compromise in her head, but didn't want to mention it yet.

"We can talk about this after our kits become apprentices," Crowfeather meowed.

Leafpool purred, padding along beside her mate. She just enjoyed their closeness, and she just felt happy. This is why I left. It's moments like these when I know that I made the right choice.


I got the new warriors book! It could be a great way to kill off all of ThunderClan's extras. ThunderClan's way too big, and half of them haven't even said anything ever. Most of them probably have no idea who Hollytuft is, and couldn't care less about what she says.

Also, here's what would've happened if Leafpool and Crowfeather didn't let their kits leave: They would've snuck off to join ThunderClan, and their parents would be mad, but they would have let the kits stay, because clearly they really wanted to.

Thanks for reading! The next chapter will be the last, and then there will be some bonuses. (I just got 2,000 reads, so that's good!)

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