Chapter 18

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The final spasm rippled through Leafpool's belly, and a small gray tom slid onto the moss.

Leafpool purred tiredly. "Two toms and a she-kit."

"What will we name them?" Crowfeather wondered.

Leafpool pulled her firstborn, a small black she-kit, closer to her. "This one is Hollykit. Squirrelflight always liked that name."

Leafpool's biggest kit, with broad shoulders and golden tabby fur, crawled towards his mother and latched onto her belly.

"Can we name him Lionkit? He's the strongest," Crowfeather decided.

Leafpool agreed. "And the last one will be Jaykit."

"They're perfect. I love you, Leafpool."

Crowfeather curled up beside his mate, their kits surrounded by warmth and a loving family.

Snow fell around them, but their love and body heat kept them warm even through the chill of the night.


The kits were a moon old, and Hollykit and Lionkit were chasing each other around the clearing, their paws crushing the light layer of snow beneath them. Jaykit, however, was bored and uninterested in their game. Instead, he was pawing at a stick on the ground.

"Jaykit?" Leafpool called.

The little kit's ears perked up, and he lifted his head. Jaykit's milky white eyes found Leafpool.

"Would you be a helpful kit and find me a big leaf? The biggest one that you can find, please," Leafpool asked.

"Of course, mama," Jaykit squeaked.

Jaykit bounced off, under the willow tree. As soon as he felt a leaf at his paws, he stretched them out and felt around the outside. When he found a leaf that seemed larger than the others, he picked it up and padded over to Leafpool.

Leafpool set down the leaf in front of her. "Thank you, little one," she meowed, giving her kit an affectionate lick on the head.

"Hey! Stop it, mama!" Jaykit exclaimed.

Leafpool glanced around the clearing. She could see a huge oak leaf that had blown in the wind, far across the clearing, but it was clear that Jaykit had no idea of its existence.

I was right! My poor baby is blind.

A/N: Thanks for 1.5k reads and 64 votes! I love the support.

I posted a message on my Conversations thing, but for those of you who don't follow me:

"Leafpool's Choice is going to have 23 chapters total. It will also have 3-4 bonus chapters and a SEQUEL!!!

I am not announcing much about the sequel, but I have it somewhat planned out. I will be giving hints about it in my author's notes and in the comments. Don't be afraid to ask about it, because I might answer!   There are only 5 more chapters to write (after I post chapter 18), which is kind of sad, because finishing a book is like the characters are leaving my heart.  Even though I'm writing a sequel about one of Leafpool's kits (<- If that wasn't a good enough hint, then I can't help you), it's still pretty sad.

Thanks to all of my loyal readers and voters! I love you all!

Here's your hint: Leafpool will have 2 litters of kits.

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