Chapter 16

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Three sunrises had passed since Brambleclaw had visited. Strong gales of wind rushed through the camp, nipping noses and sending beautifully colored late fall leaves dancing across the sky. 

It was on this frosty day that Leafpool and Crowfeather shared tongues in camp. Squirrelflight was out hunting, and she insisted that she would be fine, and would only be out till sunhigh. With the gray clouds covering the sky, however, it would be hard to judge. 

"The kits will be coming soon," Leafpool murmured. 

Crowfeather's rough tongue rasped over his mate's ear. "I know," he meowed.

Leafpool and Crowfeather sat together in silence, simply enjoying their closeness. Their love seemed to be enough to keep them warm and happy even on the gloomy day that it was. 

Leafpool shivered a bit, and Crowfeather pressed closer to her, purring.

Leafpool purred a bit, relaxing. This is what I left ThunderClan for. Pure joy and love was welling up in Leafpool's heart, sweet and tender and beautiful, like a rose in full bloom. 

The beautiful moment was ruined by Squirrelflight bouncing into camp, jaws filled with prey. All of the critters were gathering food for the winter, and it seemed that there was plenty of food for catching.

"I feel great!" Squirrelflight announced. 

Leafpool scurried to her sister's side, shooting an apologetic glance at Crowfeather. "Actually, you look great too. Your wounds are healing as expected."

Squirrelflight bounced up and down a bit, about to say something, but then clamped her mouth shut tight. 

"What's on your mind?" Leafpool asked.

Squirrelflight, startled out of her imagination, meowed, "what?"

"I said, what's on your mind?" Leafpool meowed, a bit louder now. 

"Oh, nothing," Squirrelflight meowed. 

"Is it Brambleclaw?" Leafpool asked.

Squirrelflight shifted uncomfortably. She didn't respond for a moment.


Leafpool's whiskers twitched with amusement, and gave her sister a playful nudge.

However, Squirrelflight didn't seem to be in a joking mood. "I just miss him so much! He's the most wonderful cat in the world! I'm sure you can relate," Squirrelflight meowed. "After all, you were separated from Crowfeather for a while before you left the clan."

Leafpool nodded. "I know it's hard, but I made it through it, and so will you."

Squirrelflight glared at the ground reluctantly, and didn't respond. 

That night, Leafpool went to bed with a sick feeling in her stomach and a heavy heart. Squirrelflight isn't going to stay with me forever, and for all I know, tomorrow could be my last day with her.

A/N: Hi everyone! Thanks to everyone who votes!! 

Also, thank you to @LucyStar352 and @SoBo32 for adding my story to their reading list(s). 

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