Chapter 14

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Leafpool slowly opened her eyes, the world coming into focus around her.

Squirrelflight was curled up, peacefully asleep, and Crowfeather sat beside her nest, but he was watching Leafpool.

"This reminds me of the great journey, when me and Squirrelflight and the other four traveled to the sun-drown place and back," Crowfeather meowed.

"You told me about it. Squirrelflight really got stuck in some twoleg vines?"

Crowfeather's whiskers twitched in amusement. "Yeah."

Leafpool stood up, stretching. "I have to go get more marigold. I'll return soon!"

Leafpool padded off into the tall grass, the stalks swaying in rhythm. Sniffing the air, she tried to pick up a trace of the healing herb.

Instead, she picked up a different, yet still familiar, scent carried in the breeze. Thunderclan? Could someone from her home really have come to her from camp?

Leafpool blinked, and it was gone. Must be my imagination. I don't deserve a visit anyway. I left them.

Leafpool padded on, following the lingering scent of marigold in the breeze.

The first patch she found had been completely eaten away by rabbits, but as she continued, it wasn't long before a large crop of marigold hidden away in the tall stalks of grass.

Snipping the stems with her teeth, Leafpool carried the plants back to camp in her jaws.

As Leafpool padded into camp, the first thing she noticed was cheerful chatter from the medicine den.

What a sound! It was something Leafpool hadn't heard in forever, but it came with a piercing sorrow in her heart, reminding her of the clan that she had lost.

Upon reaching the medicine den, Leafpool found the source of the conversation.

"I wonder how Stormfur and the Tribe of the Rushing Water are now?" Crowfeather inquired.

"He seemed happy when we left him," Squirrelflight meowed. "After all, he's with the love of his life."

Leafpool could hear the slight tinge of longing in her sister's tone, something that Crowfeather never would have noticed.

Just then, the wind changed, blowing fresh scents into camp.

"Is it just me or do I smell-"

Leafpool finished her sister's thought. "Thunderclan!"

No updates for a while, and I am very sorry about that. Thanks to yellowfang-lover for the Thunderclan idea. Short chapter, but I will update again soon. I am very preoccupied with the joint account that I am part of, TheFourOfTransit
Thanks to @1Waterstar for adding my story to your reading list.
Also, thanks to @DevilDragonSlayer for voting!


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