Chapter 6

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As Leafpool walked, the scent of Thunderclan in the breeze got stronger, as did Leafpool's urgency to find the source, which she was sure was Squirrelflight.

In the back of her mind, Leafpool felt a tickling sense, an emotion that was not her own. A frantic urgency to find something, but Leafpool didn't know what.

Leafpool picked up the pace, her need to find Squirrelflight renewed. She walked quicker, almost running now. Her sister was nearby, she could sense it, and she desperately wanted to see her kin again.

Living with Crowfeather had been nice, sure, but she felt the need to see someone familiar. 

Leafpool ran across the Moor, leaping over clumps of herbs and darting around bushes. The ThunderClan scent what's stronger than before, and it was most definitely Squirrelflight's. It smelled of home, making Leafpool nostalgic. No, the Moors are my home now, leafpool thought, pushing away the rebellious thoughts.

Leafpool continued running, almost jumping straight over the ginger cat who was lying stretched out across the ground.

"Leafpool!" Squirrelflight exclaimed. "it's so good to see you!"

"Squirrelflight!" Leafpool touched noses with her sister. "I've missed you!" 

"I thought I would never see you again. I just need a place to stay for a few moons before I go back to my clan. Can I stay with you?" Squirrelflight asked. "I will explain it all at your camp."

"It's fine with me, of course, but Crowfeather won't like this being thrown at him."

"I can ask him myself, of course. I'm sure he still remembers me from the great journey."

"Follow me," Leafpool meowed, trotting off through the long grasses. 

Squirrelflight followed, and the pair padded off together, towards Leafpool's new camp. 

The siblings exchanged trivial information, about new kits in ThunderClan, the best elder's tales, and how prey had been running.

In the back of Leafpool's mind, however, she still wondered why Squirrelflight had come to her asking for a place to stay for a few moons. Squirrelflight had always gotten along quite well with her other clanmates, and it would make no sense that all of a sudden she had done something so horrible that ThunderClan had exiled her.

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