Chapter 15

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Leafpool awoke to a thin layer of frost coating the grass, warning of the approaching Leaf-bare. 

Crowfeather's nest was empty and cold, so Leafpool just assumed that he was out hunting.

As Leafpool began changing the cobweb bandage on her sister's leg, she heard a rustling. 

It's nothing, she thought, just the wind, or Crowfeather returning.

It wasn't Crowfeather, and Leafpool certainly didn't feel a breeze, but she didn't scent much out of the ordinary besides a mouse scuttling through the grass nearby. Leafpool tried to shake the thoughts away, but as time went on, she felt more and more like there was another cat nearby.

"Leafpool, do you remember when I tried to sneak out of camp as a kit?" Squirrelflight chattered on, remembering the numerous times she got stuck in bushes as an apprentice, her mischievous escapades, and everything else from their childhood.

Leafpool just nodded and agreed at the right times, not really paying much attention, noting that her sister was in a very good mood on this cold, frosty day.

The scent of ThunderClan and WindClan cats together wafted through the camp entrance. 

Crowfeather roughly shoved a brown tabby tom through the camp entrance. "I found this ThunderClan creep lurking around the camp," he growled. 

"Squirrelflight's eyes widened. "Brambleclaw?"

Brambleclaw ran towards his mate. "Squirrelflight! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Leafpool intercepted the tomcat, stepping in front of her sister. "Woah, woah, woah," she meowed, "Squirrelflight's injured."

Brambleclaw stepped around the medicine cat, eyes brimming with affection for his mate. He knelt down, touching noses with her. "I've missed you."

"If you think she's coming back to ThunderClan with you today, then you are mistaken." Leafpool regarded the warrior with caution, watching his every move in case he came too close to her sister. 

"Great StarClan, I'm sorry," Brambleclaw joked, backing away from Squirrelflight.

Squirrelflight's whiskers twitched with amusement. Then, her face fell, shifting to confusion. "Why'd you come for me?"

"'Cause I love you," Brambleclaw purred. "Leafpool and Crowfeather aren't the only ones happy in love."

Crowfeather bristled, and Leafpool felt herself growing hot under her fur, embarrassed. 

"Listen, you need to go. If Squirrelflight isn't going with you, then just leave now." Crowfeather glared at Brambleclaw.

"Crowfeather...." Leafpool trailed off.

"She needs to rest," Crowfeather meowed, looking pointedly at Squirrelflight.

Squirrelflight shakily got to her paws. Her pelt was laced with fresh scars and healing wounds. She was practically covered in cobwebs. Squirrelfight's tail was lashing furiously, and her tail was back. 

Squirrelflight stalked up to Crowfeather. "I don't need anything." 

Leafpool leaped in between the pair. "Stop," she meowed. Then she proceeded to address each cat separately. "Squirrelflight, don't be so stubborn. Crowfeather is right. Crowfeather, you may be right, but you have to stop picking fights with everyone."

Squirrelflight slunk back to her nest, and Brambleclaw began to comfort her in hushed tones.

Crowfeather glared defiantly at his mate, but he couldn't stay mad at her for long. His expression soon softened.

"I should go," Brambleclaw meowed. He looked awkward, being the topic of a fight that he wasn't part of. 

"But-" Squirrelflight was cut off by Leafpool. 

"We'll miss you, Brambleclaw. Until we meet again."

Leafpool turned away, padding towards her herb stores and past her sister. 

Leafpool was positive that she heard her sister say something to Brambleclaw under her breath. She wasn't sure, but it sounded like, "That will be sooner than you think."

A/N: Thanks to @Celestial_Sunlight for the follow, thanks to @Celestial_Sunlight and @yellowfang-lover for the votes, and thanks to @Shadowsrom for adding Leafpool's Choice to your reading list.

Dedicated to yellowfang-lover for giving me the Brambleclaw idea. :) 

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