Chapter 22

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"Leafpool! Crowfeather!" A ginger cat burst through the camp entrance.

"Squirrelflight!" Leafpool touched noses with her sister. "Apprentice ceremony?" She asked.

"Yep. It's today!" Squirrelflight tried to catch her breath. "I ran all the way here." Squirrelflight continued, "It's been a lot of fun watching them in the nursery, even if it was only three sunrises. They're wonderful cats."

"I would've loved to apprentice Jaykit myself," Leafpool commented.

"Parents never mentor kits," Squirrelflight replied. "And besides, Jaykit already talked to Firestar about what he wants to do."

"What does he want to do?" Crowfeather asked.

"I don't know. Nobody does." Squirrelflight shrugged.

The green and brown shades of forest were evident on the horizon, and the three picked up the pace. ThunderClan scent was in the air.

"I can't wait to see them again," Leafpool purred.

A border patrol of Sandstorm, Cinderpaw, and Brambleclaw was at the border.

Squirrelflight fell into step beside her mate.

"We'll make it just in time, I think," Sandstorm meowed.

Cinderpaw sniffed the air. "I think I smell fox."

"How old is it, and where is it?" Sandstorm asked.

"It's stale, and it's blowing across the border. We have nothing to worry about."

"Good," Sandstorm praised the little gray cat. Cinderpaw glowed with pride.

The scent of ThunderClan was stronger, and the camp's bramble walls were up ahead.

"It's almost time for the ceremony!" Squirrelflight exclaimed.

Leafpool and Crowfeather walked into the ThunderClan camp, and were greeted by cheerful faces.

Then, a golden tabby tom barreled through the crowd. "Leafpool! Crowfeather! I can't believe that I'm seeing you again! What do you think our apprentice names will be?"

Hollykit gave her brother a shove. "Lionpaw, idiot!"

Crowfeather's whiskers twitched with amusement.

"It's wonderful to see you again," Leafpool purred.

"I'm going to be a Medicine Cat!" Jaykit mewed.

Leafpool licked her son on the head. "I'm so proud of you!"

"He's following in your footsteps," a familiar voice purred.

Leafpool spun around. "Firestar!"

Her father stood behind her, his ginger fur gleaming. His eyes shone with pride for the kits. "Hello, Leafpool." He brushed his muzzle against hers. "It's time for the ceremony," he meowed, bounding away to the Highrock.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting," the familiar call rang throughout camp.

Leafpool wrapped her tail around her kits, guiding them to the base of the rock. Jaykit and Hollykit's fur shone, licked clean by Squirrelflight. Lionkit, however....

"Lionkit, get back here! You looked like a badger dragged you through brambles by your tail!"

Leafpool tried to hide her amusement as Squirrelflight jumped on top of the golden kit and tried to lick him clean. He wiggled and squirmed, making his pelt even more dirty. "Lionkit!" she exclaimed.

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