Part One - Interview - 2018

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It had rained three days straight. Not that it really bothered Liam Payne but he still acknowledged it. He was standing near the window, watching as rain drops hit the glass over and over again. He actually kind of liked the rain. It made him calm. Not that he was stressed. Only nervous. And suspicious. But wouldn't anyone be in his situation? What situation, exactly? Yes, he got a phone call from a man, older man, who refused to tell his name but kept insisting that he had something that might interest Liam.

"What is it about?" had Liam asked.

"Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson", had the older man replied.

That did interest Liam Payne. He was quite literally obsessed with Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson's story. He had read everything about it, he had tried to track down every police men involved in their story and ask them for an interview throughout his whole life but very few was willing to speak out about the notorious duo.

There was a knock on the door. Liam turned his head and stared at the door. This was it. If he opens that door he might get to hear the story that he had always wanted to hear. But there was always that risk that the older man would be just some fool who knew nothing and therefore Liam has wasted his time.

Knock, knock.

Liam took a step. Hesitated. And then he walked to the door and opened it. In front of him was standing shorter man who was many years older than Liam, who himself was only twenty-seven years old. The man in front of him was at least fifty. He had grey-ish hair but one could tell it had been dyed blond with brown roots at some point.

"Liam Payne?" the older man asked.

"That's me", Liam said. "Why don't you come in, no need to stand in the rain."

He stepped aside and gave room to the man who walked inside the house, not really looking around.

"Where can I sit?" the older man asked.

"Oh, we are going straight to the point, alright", Liam said and pointed towards the living room. "We can do the interview there."

The older man took off his wet jacket and sat on the couch. Liam set up his recorder, took out his notes and sat on an armchair in front of the older man, only a table separating them.

"Sir, you said on the phone that you have something interesting to tell me. Something worth my time", Liam said.


"Don't make me regret this."

"I won't."

"Okay, so... what happened to them? What went wrong with them, with their lives? Why and how did they end up there?" Liam was meant to ask only one question but without noticing he had gotten so excited that the words just kept coming out of his mouth.

The older man smiled sadly. "Those are the cliché questions."

Liam didn't say anything.

"Ask me one question. One that really interests you and we'll go from there", the older man said, leaning back and crossing his arms.

Liam didn't have to think about that question for long because it popped into his head right away.

"Were they really in a relationship or was it just a rumor?" Liam asked.

The older man smiled. "No, it wasn't just a rumor. They were in a relationship. Fiercely in love."

Liam smiled too but then the smile died from the older man's face as he continued speaking.

"It was never a normal relationship", he said. "Hell, it started when they were running away from the cops after breaking a window of the local kiosk."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here we go. What do you think of this first part? Remember to vote and comment, if you'd like. 

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