Part Four - Harry & Louis - 1991

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Harry glanced at the guard walking around the liquor store and then he turned his eyes back to Louis. He felt his heart beating faster.

"Are we really doing this?"

"Why, are you scared?" Louis asked, raising an eyebrow as he took two vodka bottles. Harry shook his head and Louis nodded approvingly. "Pick whatever you want."

Harry looked at the bottles and picked up two red wine bottles. Louis motioned towards the exit and they started walking. The guard didn't notice them and that's when Louis stopped. Harry frowned.

"Why did you stop?" Harry asked. They were right by the exit but Louis wouldn't move. "Louis!"

Louis ignored Harry and kept his eyes focused on the guard. Finally the guard turned around and noticed Louis staring at him. Louis grinned at the guard and yelled, "Pleasure doing business with you!"

The cashier stood up and the guard frowned.

"They didn't pay!" The cashier yelled and the guard started running towards them.

"Run!" Louis said and Harry obeyed. They ran out of the store and on the street. They didn't stop there. They heard the guards steps right behind them.

Louis started laughing and looked at Harry running next to him. "Run, Harry!"

"I am running!" Harry laughed back. They ran around the corner but then Harry slipped and fell, breaking the wine bottles as he hit the ground. Louis stopped and ran back to Harry.

"Get up, lover boy!"

Harry stood up and they started running but the guard grabbed Harry's arm and stopped him. Louis kept running until he heard Harry yelling him to stop. The guard was pulling Harry back towards the store.

"Harry!" Louis yelled and ran back, taking a hold of the guards arm that was squeezing Harry's arm. "Excuse me, sir, but that's my boyfriend's arm you're abusing."

Then the police men that the cashier had called came and arrested Harry and Louis. That's how Harry got his crime record started.

As they sat at the back of the police car, Harry looked at Louis and grinned.

"What?" Louis asked.

"You called me your boyfriend", Harry said.

Louis shrugged. "Aren't you?"

"If you want me to be."

Louis smiled and leaned closer until he could press his lips against Harry's.

"Knock it off!" The police man yelled and Louis pulled back.

"Welcome to the dark side", Louis laughed and Harry kissed him quickly before the police man could say anything.

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