Part Seven - Interview - 2018

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It was silent for a long time in the room. Neither Liam nor the old man said a thing. Not until Liam pressed his hand on his mouth and then dropped it, shaking his head.

"I can't imagine that kind of love", Liam said. "The kind of love where you're ready to kill for each other's sake."

"I bet you don't because it is rare, almost non-existent", the old man said. He looked sad and Liam felt sorry for him. "It's kind of beautiful, in its own dark, twisted way."

"I agree", Liam said quietly. "They moved on to killing people. I have read that they killed many people, usually ones that tried to stop them or were some kind of threat. How did the police not catch them sooner?"

"Harry wasn't heartless, you know. He called to Niall after that first kill, crying. But he still didn't stop. And what comes to your question...Harry and Louis were insanely clever. But they kidnapped and released more people than what they killed. And they changed cars and number plates often, they had different number plates almost every day. They knew all the small roads, they planned everything so well it was impossible to just catch them, so the police came up with an idea."

This was brand new information to Liam and he leaned closer the man, his eyes glowing. "What kind of idea?"

"They got a professional psychiatrist in the scene", the old man said. "I'm sure you know that Harry and Louis aren't the first duo out there. There have been several other couples too, although not ever was there anyone who could compare to Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson."

"I'm aware of that. What is your point?" Liam asked.

"Did you know that nine times out of ten the male partner is the one who drives those murderous dyads?"

Liam shook his head.

"The police men's plan was to catch the submissive one and separate him from the dominant one. When a submissive is left alone without anyone to guide them they get scared, desperate and anxious. And they will break and tell everything. That was the plan. The only problem was that the police had no idea which one was the dominant one since they were both males."

"Did they figure it out?"

"They did", the man said, "when they managed to catch Louis."

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