Part Five - Interview - 2018

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"Amazing", Liam said. The man gave him a look with raised eyebrows. "I mean not like amazing amazing but...amazing. Like how they wanted someone to run after them."

The man nodded.

"Yes", he said. "As I said, they started pursuing that feeling. They loved to run away. They loved the danger and the risk of getting caught."

"I see." Liam crossed his arms and shook his head. "It's unbelievable to hear this stuff."

"I know", the old man said. "But I assure you, it's all true."

"How do I know that?"

"I guess you don't. You just have to trust me."

Liam thought about it and decided that the old man was right. He had no other choice but to trust him. And he also doubted that an old man would come up with a fake story just for the sake of it. Because he had said on the phone that he didn't want anything from the information. He just wanted to tell the story.

An idea that the man might be delusional crossed Liam's mind but he quickly forgot it when he looked into the man's eyes. They were clear and sharp despite his age. He knew what he was talking about. Who was Liam to doubt him?

"What happened after that first time they got caught?" Liam asked.

The old man shook his head. "It was the first time Harry got caught. Louis had a criminal record already. But it was the first time they got caught together. If one got caught, the other got too. They never left each other's sides."

"Okay. Believe it or not, but I have done my research. I know they were not innocent. I know that they killed people. I would like to know why. How did they end up there?"

"That is why I'm here. To tell the story of how they ended up there", the old man said.

"So tell me", Liam said.

"They started off easy, like I told you. They had one close friend, Niall Horan was his name. Niall didn't do any crimes with them but he knew everything about them. But they ended up like Icarus. When Harry and Louis flew too high, too close the sun, their wings melted and they started falling. And during that fall they lost their only close friend and helper and then came the killing."

"What happened to Niall Horan?"

"He moved away to study. He didn't want to be part of Harry and Louis' crime spree. So he left. Maybe that's what pushed Harry and Louis off the edge."

"So it was light at first, then it got dark, they lost their friend and then everything just got a whole lot darker?" Liam asked.

"Exactly", the man said. "First time when they killed someone, it was Harry who pulled the trigger."

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