Part Two - Harry & Louis - 1991

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It was dark, the only light coming from the moon since the street lights hadn't worked in weeks. The whole town was in a shitty condition.

"Throw the rock!" someone yelled.

"Yeah, throw it!"

"Come on!"


Harry Styles' arm moved fast as he threw the rock. People were cheering until it hit the window. After the window was in pieces, everyone stayed silent until the sirens started. Then they laughed and cheered more before starting to run away. In a matter of seconds everyone had scattered around long before the police car came into view.

But Harry couldn't move. He just stared at the broken window and felt his heart beating fast, adrenaline in his blood.

He loved the feeling.

"Run!" someone yelled, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him. He felt like he had been in a trance and the stranger's voice woke him up. Harry started running just when the police men stepped out of their car and yelled them to stop.

They didn't stop. They laughed and ran into the woods, hands firmly together. Harry followed this other man without hesitation because he had no idea where they were going but the other lad seemed to have some idea.

"Feels great, doesn't it?" the lad yelled over his shoulder, laughing.

Harry nodded, unable to reply out loud since he was so out of breath. He wasn't used to running.

He could hear the police men yelling at them from the distance. The police men were with no doubt running after them but they had a head start and if the lad who was pulling Harry along knew what he was doing, then there was no way the police men could catch them.

Suddenly the other lad stopped and let go of Harry's hand. He started climbing to a huge old tree. Harry stared after him with his mouth open.

"Well, are ya coming or not?" the lad asked.

Harry started quickly to climb after him and soon they were so high no one could see them. They sat on a huge branch and caught their breaths.

The other lad offered his hand to Harry. "'Am Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

"Harry Styles", Harry said, shaking Louis' hand.

"Well, Harry", Louis said. "Maybe you're not as pussy as I thought you were."

Harry tilted his head. He had came to the kiosk by accident and saw the group of guys having a competition on who would hit the window first. Someone dared him to try too and he had picked up a rock. He just couldn't throw it before Louis had called him a pussy. "You are the one who called me a pussy?"

Louis nodded.

"You? Mr. Pretty boy?"

"Hey, I'm twenty-three, I'm not a pretty boy!"

Harry laughed. "Never call me a pussy again."

"Sure, kiddo."

"Or that."

"How old are you, anyway?" Louis asked.

"I'm twenty-two."

"You're all tall and handsome", Louis commented, lifting his eyebrow. Harry smirked and licked his lips. "I thought you'd be older."

"You're flirting with me", Harry said.

Louis scooted closer and whispered, "Does it bother you?"

Harry leaned closer too and whispered back, "Not at all."

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