Part Six - Harry & Louis - 1991

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The gun in Harry's pocket felt heavy. Not in a bad way but just heavy. He and Louis had started carrying a few months ago. It made everything more exciting, carrying without a permission. Also when you're robbing money, gun makes it easier.

"I'm so glad we don't wear masks like others do", Harry commented as their car neared the grocery store. It was a nice car, Volkswagen.

"We don't need them", Louis said and smiled at him. "We are Harry and Louis. We have reputation. We are famous."

"We are the fastest runners there is", Harry, who had learned to love running, said. "Too pity we have a car now."

"I can't run with my knee, you know that", Louis sighed. "We have to wait until it gets better."

Louis parked the car in front of the store and they got out. Louis limped a little bit as they walked inside the store and towards the cashier. That's when Harry and Louis pulled out their guns and while Harry pointed it at the cashier, Louis pointed it at everyone else in the store.

"Hands where I can see them!" They yelled.

People in the store screamed and dropped what they were doing just to put their hands up. Someone was crying.

Harry stared at the cashier lady.

"Empty the cash register and hand over the money", Harry said but the woman just stared at him in horror. "Now!"

The woman started putting the money in the bag and Harry watched her every move while Louis kept an eye on the other people. He didn't notice how one stupidly brave man sneaked behind him and took his own gun out.

But Harry noticed him and his gun.

And he turned around and pointed the gun at the man's head. "Don't move."

The man stopped, the gun in his hand and pointed at Louis' head. Louis turned around too and saw the situation.

"Lower your guns", the man said. "I'm ex-police officer. I can help you if you let me. Lower your guns."

"Shoot him, Harry", Louis said.

Harry stared at the man, but quickly glanced at Louis before returning his eyes on the man. The man stared back and asked him to lower his gun again. The man took a step closer to Louis, still pointing the gun at his head.

"Get that gun away from my boyfriend's face", Harry hissed through his teeth.

"Harry, shoot him!" Louis yelled.

The man attempted to leap towards Louis, trying to make Louis his human shield, hoping it would make Harry lower his gun but he didn't have time to move a muscle before Harry pulled the trigger.


The bullet hit the man in his head.

Someone screamed loudly.

The police sirens ringed somewhere.

Harry stared at the body on the ground.

"Harry! we got to go!"

Harry saw the blood spreading on the floor.

"Harry, take the damn money, we need to leave!"

Harry saw the man staring at nothing, with no life in his eyes.


"You stupid man", Harry muttered at the body, then turned around, took the money bag from the cashier lady and grabbed Louis' arm and they speed walked out of there, since Louis could not run.

Harry sat on the driver's seat and sped away. They got a police car after them but Harry didn't stop, he added more speed by changing gears and pressing the pedal down.

"Great driving, baby", Louis said when Harry managed to get rid off the polices that were after them.

"Thanks", Harry replied and they kept driving, knowing both damn well that there was no going back now. Harry and Louis had stepped on a path where there was no returning.

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