Part Eleven - Interview - 2018

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A tear was running down on Liam's face as he looked at the sad old man finishing his story. It was so beautiful, so tragic, unfair.

He had heard a lot of stuff that night, and he had a lot to think about but one thing was clear to him now. He knew who the man was.

"That's it", the old man said. "Now you have the whole story."

"I—I don't know what to say. Thank you seems a little bit...wrong."

"Just...promise me to tell their story as it really is. Not some twisted version", the old man said as he got up.

"I promise", Liam said.

"I should get going."

"I will walk you to the door."

They walked and Liam noticed that the rain outside had stopped. He handed the old man his coat and then opened the door for him. As the man stepped outside, Liam spoke once more.

"You're Niall, aren't you?"

The old man stopped and turned around. He smiled sadly and shrugged. "What is left of him, yes."

"How did it feel? To see your two best friends fall like that and end up dead?"

Niall stayed quiet for a moment before saying, "Like drowning. It feels like I'm drowning and everyone else around me is breathing. It has felt like that for the past twenty-seven years."

"I'm sorry", Liam said quietly.

The old man just tried to smile, failed, and said, "I don't understand why they wouldn't just turn themselves in. Come out of the cabin without guns. We wouldn't have shoot them. They started it. They killed themselves with that move."

Liam shrugged. "Guess they couldn't handle the idea of a jail for the rest of their lives. Better to go out together than live apart, right? That's probably what they thought."


"I will tell their story. In a right way", Liam said.

"Thank you", Niall replied and waved his hand before walking away.

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